Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

CW: suggestive theme at the end.

After more days of staying in TEMPUR-A, Lia has been granted a discharge. Ever since the news of her voice loss occurred, Boboiboy stayed with her throughout the two days. He still feels agitated about her situation, which is why he takes extra care of her. He reminds her to drink the prescribed medicines, helped her get out of the bed to walk around the room, he even offered to help her change clothes. Even for the simplest thing, Boboiboy did everything to help out.

Lia has to admit that she does enjoy how Boboiboy has been treating her lately. Ever since their break up, all Boboiboy did to her ignored her. She missed the feeling of being cared for and she hopes it will go on for as long as she can remember.

However, she feels tired as well. Tired of everything, in all aspects. In all honesty, she hasn't even got the time to recover from Nathalia's death then she passed out for a day because of destroying the generator, and now, she couldn't speak.

In courtesy of Fang, they brought her back to her house in Rintis so she could be closer to Boboiboy and the rest of the gang. Since TAPOPS gave them a break, they all returned to Earth. Upon finding out the situation, Ying and Gopal felt sad for Lia.

But some of them felt angry.

"So what? You allowed her to destroy that freaking machine that her freaking dad made?" Ron asked, furious about the situation. Tony, who watched him and Boboiboy converse, shook his head, "Haish, Ron. You had to sugarcoat it? He let her in danger, that's for sure."

Boboiboy got pissed off at how her brothers are reacting to the situation. But as much as he is pissed, he remained composed because he doesn't want a fight to happen, "I didn't let her in danger. Listen to me, I tried to stop her."

"What makes you think we're going to believe you?" Ron countered, raising his eyebrow, "You didn't bother to listen to Lia when she wanted to explain things to you before, so why should we do that to you?"

"Because this is your sister's voicebox we're talking about," Boboiboy replied, his voice rising a bit. "Look, I understand where's all the anger coming from. I know I did some things that I should regret, and I really do regret them. I hurt Lia, I hold myself accountable for that which is why I'm doing my best in making it up to her."

Ron let out a small taunting laugh, which angered Boboiboy. He shook his head, "And you started to do that after she got hurt? Wow, great job, Boboiboy." Boboiboy sighed in defeat, realizing that no matter how much can he explain, they won't listen to him.

"You know, you really broke her heart when your fight happened," Tony started, catching Boboiboy's attention. "She called us that night, crying, because of what happened. She felt guilty not telling you about your dad, not being able to catch Andres and his gang because she prioritized your granddad first."

Boboiboy felt a sudden pang in his chest because he could only imagine the pain she felt as it happened. Ron noticed the change in Boboiboy's aura, much to him sighing, "She also told us about how you treated her when she got drunk. We were shocked at your behavior."

Boboiboy lowered his head as guilt arises again within him. The more he hears about it, the more guilt he feels. Silence filled in the room where they are at, and it is Tony who broke it, "That's why don't be curious on why we're like this. Lia's our little sister, I'm sure you know that. With mom now gone, who else is going to stand up as a parental figure for her?"

"She's still young. The fact that she went through this all in a span of two months, we're also hurt for her," Ron added on, remaining the firmness in his tone. "She already wanted to leave TAPOPS because of how destructive the situation was."

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