Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Lia widened her eyes at what Boboiboy told her. "What? Are you kidding me?!" She then furrowed her eyebrows, "You think I did this to myself? He was right here guys! I fought him!"

All of a sudden, Lia got blasted by her own sound waves. She gave a scream as her body contacted the ground again. She looked up then saw the red masked figure, who shoved his hands to her neck and started choking her.

"This will be the end of you." He told her, intensifying the grip on her neck. She was panting, trying to catch her breath. "No, it won't!" She did the sonic scream that blew out the red masked figure away from her. She continued doing it so she can implant serious damage on him.

A huge thorny vine was suddenly launched to her and wrapped around her body and mouth, binding her. Lia was surprised, she turned to the one responsible for it - Boboiboy. He sighed, "I'm sorry. You might destroy this ship."

A growl was heard from her as she started wriggling out, the sight of that broke his heart but he was firm on restraining her. "What's happening to her? Has she gone mad?" Leizel worriedly asked. "And why does she keep on saying that she saw someone?" Yaya added on.

"We need to conduct tests on her. She must be stressed out with what's happening lately." Fang proposed. "How are we going to do it? She doesn't even want to listen to us." Gopal said. Leizel prepared the energy in her hands, "I say we knock her out."

Boboiboy, who was struggling to keep Lia on hold, grunted. "No! You're going to hurt her!" Leizel sighed, "And she might end up hurting herself more and possibly us with what's happening to her. We need to spring into action now."

All of a sudden, Lia used her powers to break free from Boboiboy's thorny vines. She was breathing heavily with her teeth gritted, "W-What is wrong with you all?!?! Forget about me, just attack the guy!"

The moment she said that, pain rushed to her head all of a sudden. She screamed in pain as she fell down on her knees, gripping on the sides of her head. Her sudden reaction alarmed the rest.

With no words, Boboiboy dashed to her and tried to assist her, "Li... Sayang, come on. We'll take you to the infirmary here." He was about to bring her up but she swatted his hand away. She looked up at him, straight in the eyes, and Boboiboy could swear he saw a different side of her.

Her menacing expression says it all, along with her irises that have become red, which even surprised the elemental hero. "W-What happened to you...?" Despite the surprise, he didn't take any steps back.

As a response, she stood up and outstretched her right hand toward him. Her powers are already warmed up while she kept her glare at him. Everyone else got shocked at what she did.

"Huy! Are you out of your mind?! Do you know what you're doing?" Leizel yelled out in disbelief. Ying shook his head, "Hey Lia, what are you doing?! I know you're stressed out, but don't do this the hard way!"

"Get out Boboiboy! We'll just strike an attack then-" Fang was cut off by Boboiboy stretching out his hand to him, motioning him to stop. Boboiboy kept his soft eyes on Lia - he was surprised and confused at the same time.

With her eyebrows furrowed, she spoke out, "Prêt à servir, maître."

Boboiboy raised his eyebrow, "I'm sorry? What did you say?" Gopal groaned, "Great. She just spoke a different language. Does anyone have a translating device here?" He earned a slight smack from Fang, "And you have time for that, huh?!"

The red masked figure, who was way behind Lia, chuckled upon seeing what Lia is doing. "Well done, Lia. Now, I want you to finish all of them! Now!" Lia let out a heavy sigh as she kept her eyes on Boboiboy, "And you think I'll let myself be devoured?"

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