Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Back at the TAPOPS station, everyone is at the meeting room since a debriefing is happening. Lia reported to the higher-ups about everything that happened back in Planet Gugura.

Much to their luck, Tarung is at his other personality- calm and supportive. He nodded at Lia's report, understanding every detail about it. "It's okay. It's great that Boboiboy's granddad is okay. You did a great job in saving him."

However, the rest of the gang is still in confusion.

"What about Krive'a and Tristan, admiral? How was Krive'a able to escape?" Ying asked in confusion. "And how did Tristan survive? We saw him fall on the pit of lava. Anyone who falls in that can barely survive!" Yaya exclaimed.

KokoCi sighed at her remark, "That's what we don't know. The weird thing about it is that the higher ups of the prison didn't contact us about her escape, we didn't even receive a notification regarding it."

Fang pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "We still haven't got the answer on how did Adudu and Probe escape, what more on Krive'a's escape?" Leizel, who is shaken at the fact that her adoptive mother and brother are back, gave a loud grunt that caught everyone's attention.

"They should've been gone now. Seeing them reminds me of the past," She defeatedly said, lowering down her head. Yaya went to her brought her to a hug for comfort.

"Aish, what's the point of asking?" Boboiboy, who is still angry, started with his furrowed eyebrows. "Whatever way did those four take to get here doesn't matter anymore at this point."

He stole a glance at Lia before continuing, "They're now working with Andres, and he's looking for my dad, Amato." He turns to the higher-ups with a sour expression, "I respectfully believe you guys owe me an explanation."

KokoCi raised his hand to halt the elemental hero, "Not now Boboiboy. Everything's too heated right now. You have to calm down, take things one at a time. It might affect you and your powers."

"How can I calm down knowing my dad is out there and in possible danger?!" Boboiboy clenches his fist with gritted teeth. "And you guys know about this yet you didn't tell me?!"

Fang shot him a disbelief look; Boboiboy never raised his voice to the higher-ups like that and has never shown them his anger. The others are also shocked by his outburst.

"Boboiboy! There's no need to raise your voice like that. You're talking to the commander," Kaizo menacingly warned him. "We didn't tell you because we feel that you're not ready to know it yet."

"Okay, who are you guys to tell me that? I have the right to know about my father's whereabouts." Boboiboy snapped, his voice getting stronger. The others were speechless watching Boboiboy argue with the higher-ups, it was unlike of him to do that.

KokoCi then glanced at Tarung to observe his reaction. To be honest, he is now afraid for Boboiboy since Tarung can explode any minute with the elemental hero's attitude.

Much to KokoCi's relief, Tarung just heaved a sigh, "Boboiboy, I think you had enough for today. I advise you to take your rest, you're too angry right now. We'll talk about it again next time when you're calm." His voice was calm enough to stop Boboiboy.

However, he looked at Lia, still maintaining the expression on his face. Judging by his expression, Lia spoke out, "What? You're still mad at me?"

"Oh, you have the nerve," He roared out, taking aback his girlfriend. "For the record, yes I am still mad at you, Illana Rei." It was as if the world started spinning when Boboiboy called her by her first name. He never does that.

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