Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

The gang is at another planet called Nibiru to get a power sphere called Magic. It allows the user to do any kind of magic. Nibiru is a fantasy type of planet, everything there looks nice and fancy. Although not all of them are out to look for it; they sent out Lia, Leizel, and Yaya to look for it while the others remain at the spaceship.

"Why is it chasing us?!" Leizel cried as she was running for her life. They are currently being chased by a giant eagle which frightened all of them. "I don't know! But I guess it thought we are hunters or something?" Yaya, who was flying her way out, panicked.

Lia increased her speed in running because she is slowly being left behind. She was holding the power sphere in her arms. She glanced at the back and became horrified at the following eagle, "Should we attack it?" Yaya shook her head, "We can't hurt it. For sure that's its way of self-defense. We just need to lure it away."

A huge shadow slowly overtook them; Leizel looked up and gasped at the sight of the eagle stretching its claws as it plunges to them, "It's getting to us! Watch out!" Yaya immediately acted for defense as she uses her power to enclose the vulture in a pink-colored bubble before it got to them.

She flew up high and grinned, "Sorry, I don't think you can do that. But I think you can go now." She lured the vulture away then went back to the girls. "Great job Yaya!" Lia praised much to the gravity heroine smiling.

It wasn't that long until the eagle came back, but this time with two more of them. All three girls gasp. Leizel sighed, "Great, we have more company. What can be worse than that?"

Suddenly, one of them plunged their way on them. Luckily, Lia was the first one who saw it resulting in her tossing the sphere to Leizel to act out on defense. "Sound Wave Attack!" She fires a stream of sound waves that made the eagle cry out in pain.

"Amplify!" Lia curled her fingers that ended up amplifying the sound waves to worsen the effect on the eagle. Having enough of the sound waves, the eagle started releasing numbers of sharp blades from its wings.

The move surprised the sound heroine, "Echo's Defense!" She lets out sound waves from her two hands that both deflect and shred the sharp blades.

As Lia kept defending, two of the eagles swooped down which made Yaya fly up to them. "Gravity Punch!" She punched the two eagles which blasted them away. She sighed afterward, "Sorry eagles, I had no choice."

Leizel hid behind Lia who was still defending them against the eagle. The sound heroine lets out a growl as she made her sound waves deflect the blades to the eagle that killed it. It fell down on the ground, blades pierced all over its body while blood gushed out from it.

"Girl, I think you just killed it," Leizel informed Lia who was utterly shocked at what just happened. Yaya arrived and she was surprised to see the dead eagle, "Oh boy... Well, by the looks of it, it is indeed dead."

"I'm sorry, I-I got out of control." Lia apologized, suddenly regretting what she did. Was it right that she killed an animal who resides on the planet for a long time? Although it was for self-defense.

Leizel pats her shoulder softly, "It's okay. We didn't have any other choice; it would still go after us." Yaya nodded while walking to her, "Yeah, and I guess I killed the other two. I checked them out after I punched them and they weren't moving anymore."

"Now that's a great way of assuring. What happened to the sweet Yaya?" Leizel cracked a joke with a smug smile. Yaya rolled her eyes at the comment, "Haish. I was just saying... and being realistic."

Lia looked at the power sphere in Leizel's arms, then breathed heavily. "At least we have the power sphere... that's our priority in the first place. It's time to head back now."

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