Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"What are you doing here?" Lia asked as Boboiboy sat beside her. "I got worried for you so I decided to follow you. And I know you'd be here." His response earned a soft smile from Lia, "Aww, you're too kind. Thank you."

"And I also need to tell you something." Lia looked at him in confusion, "Hmm, what is it?" Boboiboy held both of her hands then looked straight at her. "Lia... I have...." He even stopped to clear his throat, which made her even nervous. "I have feelings for you."

His confession astounded Lia, so much that she couldn't even talk. Yet Boboiboy continued, "It's been going for quite a while. It started with a crush sometime in 2018, then it progressed to these feelings. I know this is a sudden confession but-"

"Boboiboy." Lia cut him off, her eyes soften. "I feel the same." She gave a soft smile, much to his surprise. "Really?" She nodded, "Yeah. And, it's quite noticeable for me. Like, with how you treat me versus the others. It's just that I don't acknowledge it that much because I was afraid that I might be misinterpreting you."

"I understand," Boboiboy replied, he lets her hands down. He sets his eyes on the bracelet she's wearing; it was the one he gave her on her graduation. "I thought you were being oblivious of it."

Lia slowly nodded, "Well, at first I was oblivious of it. But as time passed by, I started to realize it. Like about this bracelet," She shows it to Boboiboy, "Why would you give me one where we match? And not the others?"

"Finally, you realized that." Boboiboy sighed, much to Lia laughing sheepishly. "Sorry about that. I'm still learning how to be aware of everything. I also realized that you subtly confessed to me when we hung out at the mall."

He also smiled sheepishly, "Yeah. I was so embarrassed at myself because I couldn't bring myself to explain it to you... And hey, It's alright. I understand."

"So... what's going to happen?" She rested her elbow on the table as she placed her chin on her hand. The man sighed, "A lot of things are going on right now. Reverse is still out on the loose, and the duties at TAPOPS... The fate of the galaxy is in my hands. I don't know if I'm up for a relationship right now."

Lia felt her heart shattered again; although she knew that he was going to say that, hearing it directly from him was still hurtful for her. "I understand. Things are sudden for you, and you're overwhelmed. It's okay."

She then continued, "I know how much you value your duty, and I really respect that. You're my inspiration whenever we go to missions for TAPOPS."

Boboiboy gaped, as Lia continued. "I hope you don't see me as a distraction which is why you're not up for a relationship. Maybe it's also because I'm 2 years younger than you. You also told the others that you treat me like that because of your leadership. But," Her voice slightly cracked, "Even if we don't end up together, I'll continue to support you."

"Lia," Boboiboy felt that he was going to cry. "No, it's not like that. I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I wasn't ready to let them know about it, that's why I said that. But what I'm telling you right now, it's true." He was referring to his feelings for her.

"About the relationship, it's not that I don't want it, I'm just not ready right now, especially amidst what's happening. You know how much my duties overwhelm me; it created Reverse. You're not a distraction, heck, you're the reason why I continue doing my duties even though it's getting harder."

He continued. "It's so hard juggling everything; heroic duties, studies, and work. Aliens won't stop threatening the galaxy which is why I work harder. I want to create a safe place, a safe place for you. Why do you think I'm still doing this even though I almost lost my life for how many times?"

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