Special Chapter 03

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A/N: This was supposed to be for Lia de Vera's birthday last May 15 and an anniversary special chapter because Paradox is a year old already. However, I got caught up with college requirements. My bad!

Anyways, here's the special chapter 03. I posted this today because it's also my birthday. Enjoy!

Boboiboy's POV

"You must be overwhelmed to be known in town." Muzakir, one of my classmates in year 12, told me as we settled in our seats in a small restaurant nearby the school. Before arriving here, we stumbled upon a group of people who knew me and as usual, they asked to get a picture with me.

I smiled sheepishly, a bit flattered at that thought, "Ah, well... It has already been there ever since I was 10. I guess I got used to it."

"It seems like it. And hey Boi, I noticed that you attract pretty fans! I mean, have you seen the two girls earlier?" Izz remarked, suddenly nudging me which made me chuckle a bit, "Eh? That's not my goal."

Boys and their comments about girls. Hays.

We ordered our food and based on my classmates' orders, looks like we'll have a full stomach even until the night falls. Well, I can't blame them as we didn't really get the chance to eat much today due to the overwhelming requirements.

"Dude, what was your answer at the last part of the test? For Organic Chemistry," Another classmate of mine named Johann asked everyone. "That was so hard!"

Ah yes, Organic Chemistry. My most hated subject for this term which honestly questions me if I still want to pursue this. I remembered how much struggle the test was so I didn't want to answer first. Well, another thing is that most of my friends here are smart people and sadly, I'm not gifted like them.

"Letter A. I know that question by heart because I thoroughly studied the topic of the question before," Rahim replied confidently which humbled me down. "A is the right answer."

"Me too!" Johann and Izz cheered in unison, much to me sighing. What's there to brag if you got the wrong answer? What even made me feel worse is Muzakir confirming that choice A is the right one by going through the textbook.

I saw him sigh in relief with a smile, "Woohoo! I got that right!" He even waved both of his arms upwards to convey his happiness. Oh man, I really got humbled down by these boys.

"How about you, Boi? What did you answer?" Rahim asked which made me freeze a bit because could I really handle the embarrassment when they find out I placed the wrong answer? Though these people are not really judgmental, what should I be scared about?

"I answered letter A too," I lied, much to them cheering. Yikes, I know lying is bad but they won't know anyway.

"Dang, Boi. Not only you're out there getting girls, but you're also getting good grades too!" Johann cheered, nudging me with a smirk on his face. I sighed, "Aiya, I'm not getting girls... As I've said before, I'm here to protect our town. A girlfriend is not on my list of priorities."

I never got entertained by the thought of having a girlfriend. Sure, Gopal and Yaya dating made me think about it but it never stayed in my mind because I know for myself that it's not important to me. A girlfriend can wait, or maybe, well, I'll stay single forever.

I have a space organization to serve. I have to admit that I have been wanting to become a higher-up like commander KokoCi and admiral Tarung once I grow up. It makes me question if I still have to study here on Earth where I can train like Fang and Leizel. It's like my life revolves around crime fighting and power sphere saving and I don't mind.

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