Chapter 07

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Chapter 07

Ochobot had already contacted KokoCi, and in a while, the spaceship has arrived at Tok Aba's cocoa shop. The rest of the gang waited for KokoCi to open the door for them to get in.

"Dang, it's been a while." Fang said, wandering around the flight deck. Yaya and Gopal went to their assigned chairs and buckled up. Fang followed them.

Boboiboy and KokoCi sat beside each other as they were the ones who'll be flying the spaceship. Once everyone was ready, the spaceship took off.

"Who are we rescuing again? I didn't catch what Ochobot told me earlier." KokoCi said. "Long story short, we have a new friend named Lia and she has a power sphere like Boboiboy. Adudu captured her and the sphere, together with Ying. And now, we're going to save them."

"A new power sphere? Where did she get that?" Boboiboy grunted, "We'll talk about that later. We have to hurry up." He slowly pushes down the lever, increasing the speed of the spaceship.

Back in Adudu's spaceship, Ying and Lia were in front of each other, about to attack. "You think you can escape here? Wait 'til Adudu finds out."

Lia rolled her eyes, as she uses her sound waves to shut the door close. Ying turned around to see what just happened, which gave an advantage to Lia to suspend her by her soundwaves.

"What in the world?! Hey, let me out!" Ying tried to wriggle out, by the waves were binding her so much, that she couldn't even move. Lia sighed as she eyed on the necklace Ying was wearing, she went to her and placed her hand on the necklace.

Once she snatched it off, it was like Ying's mode have changed. "W-Where am I?" She looked at Lia, "Lia? What are you doing here? Where are we?"

Lia snapped her fingers, the soundwaves disappear, releasing Ying. She gave her a hug, "See? I knew it was the necklace that's controlling you." Ying was confused, but she hugged her back.

After the hug, Lia rushed to Sonobot and used her soundwaves to remove the plugged wires in her. Ying was still confused, "What happened to her?" Lia sighed, "Well, Adudu had a device on you that controlled you to capture us. He wanted Sonobot."

Ying was guilty, she didn't know what came into her. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Lia gave a soft smile, Sonobot already in her hands. "What's important that you're back. And we have to get going." She switched on Sonobot, which turned out to be successful.

"Lia? Is that you?" Sonobot asked, but Lia just gave her a big hug. "I'm glad you're okay!" Ying sheepishly smiled as she approached the two, "I'm sorry about earlier. Adudu was the one who controlled me into this."

Sonobot just nodded as a response.

"Okay guys, we have to find a way out of here." Lia stated. "But how are we going to go back there? Surely Adudu won't let us get away with this." Sonobot replied.

"We can contact the others. I'm sure they're looking for us." Ying replied. "I can't contact them right now, Adudu has my power watch. We have to get it before we leave." She sighed.

"I have an idea." Lia announced.

At KokoCi's spaceship, Gopal was sound asleep on his chair, which was later awoken by Fang flicking his forehead. "Who even sleeps at a mission?! We have friends in danger." Fang yelled.

Gopal, who was shocked by the sudden smack, groaned. "Aiya. We're not even there yet. Can't a man just take a nap to get some energy?" He crossed his arms, deeply annoyed at Fang.

"Enough fighting, the two of you." Boboiboy said, hearing their conversation from the front. "And Gopal, Fang's right. No one sleeps at the mission. No wonder you're still cadet."

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