Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"The less you know, the more peace of mind you get."

"Deep down, she's very shallow."

At the medical bay of TAPOPS-U station, Lia was lying down on a bed. She was still passed out, and there was an IV in her hand. Minutes later, her eyes slowly opened. In the room with her were Gopal, Yaya, and Ying.

They heard a soft moan which caught their attention. Yaya widened up her eyes, "Lia?" She rushed to her. Gopal and Ying followed, and the moment they saw Lia awake, they gasp. "Lia!"

At another room in TAPOPS-U station, where the discussion of the mission happens, Sonobot and Ochobot were there together with Boboiboy, Fang, and Leizel. Holographic results of Lia's medical tests were shown.

"Well, even without her powers, Lia gets sick easily. She gets tired easily, she can faint easily, in short, she has a weak resistance to events like these." Ochobot reports. Leizel examined the report, "She even has low blood pressure, and her heartbeat can go irregular. Poor her."

"She takes her vitamins, right? And for sure she has supplements." Fang said. "Yeah. Although, this is the first time she has fainted ever since last year. Her mom said she used to have fainting spells almost every month." Sonobot replied.

Boboiboy gave a deep sigh, "Then it happened because she did a huge explosive attack. I could've stopped her, or I should've known about her condition."

"Aiya Boboiboy, it's not your fault," Fang said, lightly patting his shoulder. "We just have to teach Lia how she can use her powers without draining herself. We can't have another incident like that again, she might be forced to withdraw from TAPOPS."

Boboiboy just nodded, he was still worried for her. The moment he saw Lia being treated in the medical bay pained him. She looked so vulnerable, and this made him want to protect her even more.

Ochobot noticed how Boboiboy was feeling down ever since what happened to Lia. He witnessed how Boboiboy treats the other members, and he was sure that he treats Lia differently. There were times some of them get injured because of the mission; when Gopal broke his arm because he fell from a tree, Yaya getting scratches from a creature in a planet, Ying spraining her ankle from tripping, Leizel passing out from too much energy use, Fang suddenly vomiting because of the nausea of the planet's weather. Of course, as a leader, he got worried for them.

But with Lia, it's on a whole different level. Lia was out for almost 8 hours, and Boboiboy couldn't help himself from going back and forth to the medical bay, just to check on her.

All of a sudden, Ying arrived. "Guys, she's awake!"

Her announcement made them all rush to the medical bay, and when they got there, they saw Lia, who was already sitting up, smiling softly. "Surprise?"

Leizel dashed to her and tackled her with a hug, "Thank goodness you're awake! We thought you'll be waking up tomorrow since you were heavily passed out earlier."

"Sorry for that. It happens quite a lot." Lia smiled sheepishly. Yaya crosses her arms, "Aiya. Don't scare us like that again! We were about to bring you to an actual hospital!"

"Excuse her, she's exaggerating. We weren't about to bring you an actual hospital since we have this MedBay." Ying spoke up, making Lia laugh.

Boboiboy slowly walked to Lia, who smiled at him. He didn't say anything but he hugged her. She was surprised but she hugged him back.

Gopal smirked at what Boboiboy was doing, he chuckled. "My boy, doing what I did. He's a grown-up." He whispered to Yaya and Fang. "Don't ruin it." Yaya just replied, smiling at the two.

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