Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

"Happy 3 years!"

The gang were at Tok Aba's shop, and to their delight, it was Boboiboy and Lia's 3-year anniversary. Boboiboy has his arm wrapped around Lia's waist so he could be closer to her. "Hehehe, thank you." He grinned while Lia chuckled, "Aww. I can't believe it has been 3 years."

"Me too! Back then, he was just a little boy who's out there saving the galaxy! He also said that he doesn't need a girlfriend, but look at him now! Aiyoyoyo! My boy is growing!" Gopal fake cried.

Fang kneeled on the ground and did a dramatic sigh, "It might cost the whole galaxy. I told myself that I will prioritize my heroic duties." He mimicked his voice as he did dramatic poses.

Boboiboy sighed, "Aiya, you guys wouldn't let me live huh? That was before, okay! Sheesh." Lia laughed at the two boys, "He meant you guys did a great job. Keep going." With that, Boboiboy rolled his eyes which made the others laugh.

"Aigoo! I have a better one!" Leizel cleared her throat then continued, "Boboiboy's a great leader and a great friend. For sure he does all those things to the others too." She imitated Lia's voice.

"Oi!" Lia exclaimed, crossing her arms. The others laughed, especially Fang. "I remember telling her back then... You're just too dense to realize it. You think Boboiboy hugs me whenever I get injured or do great in missions?"

His remark caused even greater laughter among themselves, except Lia who was giving a sulky pout, still arms crossed. "I mean, I thought he does that."

"Well, you were wrong. That boy never gives anyone of us a tight or long hug except for you." Ying replied, wiggling her eyebrows. Yaya laughed, "Yeah! And I remember the urge of mine to throw fists at the air when Boboiboy denied liking you. It was way too obvious!"

"That's so true. But what made us frustrated even more was you being dense about it. We just wanted to create a presentation to elaborate Boboiboy's signs of feelings." Leizel added on, still laughing.

"Honestly, I thought I'd get friend-zoned when I confessed to you. You weren't really showing any signs of acknowledgment." Boboiboy said, making Lia smile sheepishly. "Eh, I wasn't sure if it was a sign. I was scared to misinterpret it."

"Dey Lia, do you remember the time Boboiboy gave you a bracelet? The one that has your zodiac sign?" Gopal asked with a sly smirk. Lia nodded, "Yeah, I still wear it here." She showed her left wrist that has the bracelet.

Boboiboy showed him as well, "I still wear it too. It's too good not to be worn." Gopal chuckled, "Dey, I remember Boboiboy telling me how frustrated he was that Lia didn't get the sign when he gave her the bracelet!"

Lia facepalmed herself, they wouldn't let her live with her being oblivious of Boboiboy's feelings before. Aish, these people... But I love them so that's okay.

Yaya smiled at the two, "Aww, that's so sweet. It's great that you guys still have that. Boboiboy, you gave that to her back in 2018, right?"

"Yup, so it has been 5 years. Gosh, it's been so long," Boboiboy replied with a soft sigh. Then he turned to Lia, "You made me wait for 2 years, goodness." The others chuckled at his remark while Lia sighed.

"Oi! I would've known already if you told me that time!" Lia defended herself, playfully furrowing her eyebrows. Boboiboy laughed, "I know. I was just kidding, sayang. Even if it would take more than 2 years, I'd still wait for me."

An "aww" came from them with Fang nodding with a smug smile, "Hay, things do change for you, Boboi. I'm glad you took my advice; this means I am the reason why they're at that stage now. I am a great model."

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