Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Boboiboy gave a defeated sigh upon seeing Lia's reply to him. He once again left some messages before going back to work at the shop. Thanks to Fang and Tok Aba, they were able to send them away. Besides, the commotion caused disrupted the other customers. Tok Aba couldn't afford to lose them just because of Boboiboy's popularity.

"Eeesh Boboiboy, you should really do something about those fangirls. They're affecting my customers!" Tok Aba exclaimed as he was cleaning the dishes. Boboiboy sighed as he was cleaning the counter, "I didn't know they were coming. I don't really care about them."

"I don't know whose fangirls are worse, yours or Fang?" Sonobot said. Ochobot sighed, "Both of them, I guess. Geez, what is it with you guys that you're this popular and have fangirls?"

Fang grinned, "I'm stylish and muscular. Who wouldn't idolize me?" Boboiboy rolled his eyes, "Quit lying, Fang. Leizel didn't say that as her reason for liking you. You probably cast a spell on her or something."

"Aish! Why do you always have a say on that?!" Fang replied in annoyance. As he started talking more, Boboiboy didn't listen because his mind was on something else, well someone to be exact. He just stared at the towel he was holding to wipe the counter until Tok Aba called him out.

"Oy Boboiboy!" Startled by Tok Aba's voice, he snapped back to reality, "Ah... Atok, why? Is everything okay?" Tok Aba sighed, "I should be asking you that question. What's wrong? You look down."

Boboiboy looked at Sonobot who was looking at him. He didn't know if Sonobot knew about their relationship already but with what happened earlier, he felt intimidated. "It's about Lia..."

"What about her?" Fang asked him. Boboiboy told them what happened with the encounter of the fangirls. Since the power spheres were there to witness it, they weren't surprised. Fang listened to his friend speaking while Tok Aba didn't mind much about it.

"I mean, I'm sure she'll understand why you weren't able to defend her. You were shocked when you witnessed it. Lia's a good person and a good friend to you. I do hope she's okay though." Tok Aba replied.

Boboiboy let out a sheepish laugh, "Ahm, atok... About that..." He fiddled his fingers, "Lia and I aren't just friends... We're already... together." He swore the reactions of the power spheres and his granddad were priceless.

The power spheres remained speechless, while Tok Aba gave out a yell, "A WHAT?!"

The next thing that happened, Tok Aba was scolding Boboiboy while pulling his ear. "And you didn't tell us about your relationship... Why?" Boboiboy whined, "Aiya atok! That hurts huhu! We wanted to keep things private but I guess it's time for people to know."

"Well, if that would stop your crazy fangirls, then let them know." Ochobot replied sternly. Sonobot crossed her arms, "Of course, Lia would be hurt with what happened. You left her out there! You should be defending her. And goodness, why didn't that Lia tell me? I'm her power sphere!"

"Be like me." Fang told Boboiboy with a smug smile. The elemental hero had enough of their scolding, he lets out a groan. "Yes I know, I'm already feeling guilty but thanks for adding it up. I wanted to talk to her but she said she's not in the mood. What should I do?"


Later on, Boboiboy arrived in front of Lia's house. He was about to ring the doorbell but coincidentally, Lia went out of her house. She was surprised to see him, "Oh, you're here. Hi." She gives a small smile.

"Li," Boboiboy said as he rushes to her. He placed his hands on her waist as Lia gives a small smile. "Just in time. I was about to go to you. I feel guilty about ignoring you."

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