Chapter 8: "You got this!"

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Hey everyone! Guess who forgot Fridays existed. Hope you didn't miss me too much *wink wink* Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter of Sweetheart!


When Julie's alarm rang the next morning, the nerves started to go into overdrive. She could hardly think about anything else other than the spirit assembly today. She couldn't even eat breakfast because she was so nervous.

Her first steps into the building, she was blocked off by Luke, Reggie, and Alex. Luke was so excited that he was almost bouncing off the walls. Julie, on the other hand, was about to throw up.

"Julie! Everything's set up for today. Principal Lessa didn't agree with us showing up Dirty Candy, but I worked around it," Luke spoke proudly, and in such a cocky voice that it made Julie laugh. "Why are you laughing? Never mind, it doesn't matter, we go on right after Dirty Candy finishes!" Luke yelled as he walked away.

Julie finished snickering and shook her head. That boy was something else. Breaking the rules? That was all new to Julie. Showing up Dirty Candy? Something unheard of. The only thing she was sure about was getting back into the music program. It was all she had to hang on to now.

The bell rang, so Julie started to make her way to her class when a second ring sounded. It was the sign that someone was over the intercom for the whole school.

"Good morning, students! What a wonderful Wednesday it is today! Don't forget the spirit rally today. Remember, it is after second period," Principal Lessa's voice filled the halls as students slowly walked to their classes. There was a bit of unidentified scraping, and the voice of Carrie Wilson's overly peppy voice filled the halls next.

"To make it more exciting, Dirty Candy is performing at the spirit rally! All members of Dirty Candy need to be excused early from second period to practice. Thank you! Oh, and have a great day, Bobcats!"

By the time the announcements were over, Julie had already sat down in her first class and got out her supplies. That's when she felt a buzz in her back pocket. Julie pulled out her phone, and she had a text message from Luke.

"Hey ask to go to the restroom when dirty candy is excused so we can practice too"

Julie was about to protest leaving class early because school is important, but the teacher was telling her to put her phone away. So, she typed a measly "Ok" and returned her phone to her pocket.

When Julie asked to go to the restroom during second period, she was expecting Mr. Smith to say no. To her surprise, he actually allowed it. I guess being a (fairly) good student has its perks. She met with Luke and his friends outside the gymnasium. Sure enough, Luke had covered everything. There were mics, drums, a keyboard, a bass, and a guitar for their use. They were set to perform on the stage that opened out into the gym.

They practiced their vocals for about fifteen minutes before they could hear that the spirit assembly was about to start. Julie found Flynn in the crowd, sat down next to her, and not so patiently waited to "show up Dirty Candy" as Luke had said before.

Not so surprisingly, Dirty Candy was pretty amazing. They performed a song called "WOW." It was, to say the least, a good song. Suddenly, showing up Dirty Candy seemed harder than they had thought.

As the students were exiting the gymnasium, Julie, Luke, and the other boys walked out onto the stage. Julie was to start playing first, but looking out to all the students made her nervous. She glanced in Luke's direction and he mouthed, "You got this!" with a little bounce of his heels.

Julie took a deep breath and started playing the first chords of the song on the piano before her.


Oop- I left it here. TBH, I forgot I left it here so hate my past self I guess. 

Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment! Also remember that constructive criticism is always appreciated.

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