Chapter 29: "They are more than just my bandmates, they are my friends."

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Hey y'all! I let my mom read this story and she liked it so now I'm scared that she's gonna wanna read all of it. Mistakes in the random burst of confidence. Anyways, hope y'all are having a wonderful December so far, be prepared for a lot of updates soon!


Julie felt both angry and ashamed when she was walking up to her house.

It was embarrassing to have your dad drag you out of a coffee shop right when you were about to talk to an important person like Andi Parker. Now, the band's shot was blown.

She felt ashamed to have snuck out after her dad had sent her to her room to study. She wasn't usually like this, so why is she suddenly now?


Just as she was about to walk inside the house, her dad stopped her in her tracks.

"Julie, we need to talk."

Julie sighed as she turned to face him, though she almost couldn't bear it.

"So, after skipping school, missing a test, you decide to sneak out even though I told you to go to your room and study?" Her father said.

"I know. I'm sorry," Julie responded.

"Yeah, you keep saying that. If you'd just... let me in, I could've been excited about tonight instead of having this conversation we both hate," Ray explained. "Why didn't you tell me you were in a band?"

"It all just happened so fast. These past few weeks have changed my life. When I play music, I feel so much closer to mom."

Julie watched her dad fidget with his hat, which he had taken off. It was something he only did when he was nervous. Julie felt so bad, but she had to defend what she was doing.

"And I love that. You know I do," Her dad started. "But your tia is right. School needs to come first."

"I know, but without the band, I would have never made it back into the music program. They played with me when I was trying to earn back my spot."

"They did?"

"I think this is my thing, Dad," Julie sincerely explained.

"Well... I'd be a jerk of a dad if I took that away from you," He started. "Look if you're gonna stay in this band, you need to keep up with school, and you need to keep me in the loop."



"Thanks, Papa!" Julie exclaimed whilst hugging him. He sure was the best father anyone could have.

"Hey, so that lady at your show, she was, like, some sort of manager, right? Could've been a big deal."

"Who knows? Hopefully, she gets to see us play again. Which I will tell you about."

"Oh, yeah, you will. Cause if I ever catch you sneaking out again, or if your grades slip. I'm gonna pull the plug."

Julie nodded.

"You know, it was strange when you brought three random guys home, I was so confused. Especially when you were hanging out in the garage all the time, but now it makes a lot of sense," Her dad laughed.

Julie laughed with him. "Yeah, sorry about that, but they are more than just my bandmates. They are my friends."

"Well, they brought my little nina back, so as far as I'm concerned, they're like angels to me. Come on, let's head inside."

Julie smiled and turned to walk inside with her father.


Okay I'm getting excited! The chapters up coming are sooooooo good and I'm super excited to share them with you all!

Don't forget to vote and comment! I appreciate every single one of you :)

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