Chapter 52: "You got it, boss."

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Here's your final chapter for today!



Luke couldn't believe they just did that on stage, but he wasn't going to complain because it was the best night of his life. They rocked it on stage and he got to show everyone that Julie was his girl. After they had gotten off stage, Alex stopped him.

"I knew it," He said towards Luke. "I told you so," he said, facing Reggie.

Reggie pulled a 20 dollar bill out of his pocket and shoved it into Alex's hand.

"You bet on me?" Luke said, only a little offended.

"Yeah, and I won," Alex said, but as soon as he saw Luke's expression, he explained more. "Reggie said that you guys would tell us when you started dating, but I said that you'd hide it."

Luke rolled his eyes and laughed. "You guys are weird," He said while throwing an arm around Alex and Reggie's shoulders and guiding them back to the green room where Julie was waiting for them.


Luke was very rudely woken up the next day by Julie, who seemed to have no understanding of what "sleeping in" means.

"Luke," She started. "We gotta get going. It's almost 10 o'clock."

Luke groaned.

"We have stuff to do today," She said, pulling the blanket off of him and revealing the chill in the air to him.

"I don't wanna," He replied in his groggily voice without even opening his eyes.

She laughed, but she didn't stop. Julie then pulled the pillow out from under his head, causing Luke's head to slam down onto the couch.

"I'm gonna get you for that," Luke threatened.

"You can only get me if you get up."

To Luke's advantage though, Julie was standing close enough that he could grad her arm and throw her down on the couch practically on top of him.

She complained, and heaved herself up, but Luke was stuck in a laughing fit. Now he was awake, so he sat up from the couch, rubbed his eyes, and spoke directly to Julie, who was now standing further away.

"What've we got to do today, boss?"

"Well, for starters, YOU need to get up. Then, we have to go to the store. I'm making dinner tonight and I need some ingredients. Then, it's straight back here to write some songs. We're in the big leagues now. We have to be prepared to get calls from people all the time."

Luke pulled himself off of the couch, rummaged through a bag for clothes, and started walking towards the bathroom, placing a kiss on Julie's forehead as he walked by. "You got it, boss," Luke said as he disappeared into the bathroom.

On this very rare occasion, Ray let Luke drive his car so they could get to the store and back faster. On the way there, they jammed out to many of Julie's favorite songs. Well, Julie jammed out to them, Luke was mostly looking at her (and the road, duh). After walking through the store, Julie found what she needed and they checked out. On the way home, Julie was still jamming out to her songs, and this time Luke joined in for a few of them.

When they were trying to write, they were having a hard time coming up with good lyrics, so they decided to take a break and go to the backyard.

"Are we cloud watching?" Luke asked her after a minute.

"Yes," Julie started. "It's calming and maybe it will give us ideas."

So, Luke watched the clouds. It wasn't something he would normally do, but it was with her, so he did it. Julie was right, it was calming.

They lay in the cool and slightly damp grass. Not knowing what to say to each other, but not needing to say anything either. The mutual silence was enough. He looked over at the beautiful silhouette. Her eyes closed, and her nose pointing towards the sun. She was his sun. Radiant, bright, and always lighting the way for lost souls. Lost souls like him.

Finally, the silence was broken.

"Luke, you never told me what happened to you guys last night when we were supposed to go on."

Oh. Well, it was time to explain to her, now or never. "Well, that Caleb guy pushed us into a closet and locked us in there. We tried to get someone's attention, but no one opened it. Until... Flynn was walking past grabbing extra snacks or something and heard our banging. She let us out and let us know that you were already on stage without us, so we had to rush to get there so I could keep my promise. Alex and Reggie were already on stage when Caleb confronted me one more time, he started threatening me trying to get us to join his band, and I called the security on him. He shouldn't be bothering us for a while."

"Luke, that sounds scary."

"Yeah, but the good news is that you sang by yourself, just like I knew you could. Because you're a star, Julie."

Her face turned from the sky to face his. She gave him the most perfect smile, and Luke could tell it made him blush, so he turned his face to the sky.

Julie laughed, and Luke decided then that he could listen to that for the rest of his life.


Cute little chapter :)

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