Bonus Chapter: "I can't take the heat!"

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Welcome to the bonus chapter of Sweetheart! I love you all :)

This bonus chapter is what I started writing as a one shot, but then decided I wanted to expand and make it an entire story. This is kind of an outline I followed for myself, so not everything is the same (like when they get married or have kids) but I hope you love it regardless. I did however follow the same for the ice cream flavors, the kids name, and some other stuff too. 



Only 25% of people marry their high school sweetheart. Luckily, Luke and Julie are in that 25%. They met at Los Feliz High School when both of them were in the music program. Of course, they both hated each other at first. How could they not? They were always put against each other. The teachers always placed them in the same group for projects, but Luke never wanted to do the work. Julie had to do it all while he was messing with everything he could touch.

When Julie's mom died, She stopped singing and playing. Luke noticed, of course. He tried to ignore it and treat her the same, but he felt bad for her. Luke, too, had been through losing his mom. It wasn't in the way she had because he had chosen to run out on his mother, but he still missed and loved her; Even if he could only stay away for a few months. After a while of ignoring the fact that the girl he once annoyed was different, he decided to try and help. He asked her to join his band. At first, she declined, but after a while of begging, she decided to join the Phantoms to become Julie and the Phantoms.

When Julie was 16, she and Luke started dating. They always had chemistry on stage, and when they wrote music together, it was like magic; This came about when Julie accidentally let it slip that she had liked him from (almost) the start. The feeling had just grown when he helped her with her mom situation. They had their ups and downs but ultimately stayed together through it all.

As their band was just taking off and Julie was finishing college with an associate's degree in music, Luke finally did it. On her 20th birthday, he took her out for ice cream at a nearby parlor. As per usual, Julie got vanilla, and Luke got mint chocolate chip. He also teased her about being basic just like always. When they got back to Julie's parent's house and out to the garage they used to practice for their band in, Luke stopped her before she could sit on the couch. That's when he popped the question. He got down on one knee she could tell he was holding tears back in the big hazel eyes of his.

"Jules, I've loved you for a long time. Would you be my sweetheart and marry me?"

Tears now filling Julie's eyes, she answered him, "Yes! I love you so much!"

The ring was perfect for Julie. It looked exactly like a dahlia, Julie's mom's favorite flower that had quickly become her favorite. They had decided to get married fairly quickly in order to go on a honeymoon and then on tour with the band, but the day was still perfect. A small wedding in the fall is all Julie wanted, and that's what she got.

After the wedding, the honeymoon, and Julie and the Phantom's first tour, Julie was ready for a break. She wanted to enjoy life with Luke for a bit. They took a break from recording for about 3 months before resuming their busy life. Then a huge curveball was thrown their way.

4 months after Julie turned 22, she missed her period. After 3 minutes that felt like 3 years, two lines changed the couple's life forever. Her pregnancy was definitely hard for her (and Luke, who was at her beck and call for the entire 8 and a half months), but when she gave birth to Raymond Mitchell Patterson, she was suddenly ready to take on the world.

It had been 3, almost 4 years since then and now their toddler was so much fun but so tiring to take care of. Little Ray would come with his mom and dad to band practice, he would help (not really) write songs, but most of all, he loved to cuddle with them. Julie would be lying if she said that wasn't her favorite part of the day.

Little Ray was 3, and he was going to turn 4 in about 6 months. Of course, as a child, he had some hilarious things to say.

"Mommy, have you ever tasted apple juice? 'Cause, it's really good."

"Mommy, can you take a picture of me?"

"How can a cow walk with power? ...because it has legs."

"Uncle Reggie, you passed the finish line, but you didn't win! You lose!"

"Alexa is silly, she doesn't listen to kids. We better get a new one."

"Daddy, how do you eat so much food? I'm stuffed."

Those were just some of Julie's favorites. Her personal favorite happened at dinner one night. She doesn't remember exactly what happened, but she does remember what Luke and Ray had said.

"If you can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen!" Luke said as Ray got out of his seat.

"I can't take the heat!" Ray called as he ran out of the kitchen.

Overall, their married life was never boring. Julie's proud of where they're at and where they are going with life. She is so glad that she and Luke are part of that 25%. Julie decided that she wouldn't change it for the world. She was Julie Patterson. She was Ray's mommy. She was Luke's sweetheart, and she was ready to live her life to the fullest every day.


Again I say thank you for your support! Let me know what your thoughts are in the comments and I will try my best to read and respond to as many of them as I can. Any questions I will answer. Love y'all.

Perfect Pt. 2 will be coming soon! Keep an eye out! In the next few weeks or so.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

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