Chapter 59: "Is this another one of your surprises?"

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Final chapter for today!



"Flynn! You're coming with Reggie?" Luke heard Julie behind him. She was the most surprised person ever, and Luke couldn't blame her since she and Flynn usually always told each other everything.

"Yeah. I didn't expect him to ask me, but here we are," Flynn answered as Julie left Willie and Alex to hug Flynn.

"A night with all of my friends is exactly what I need," Julie said, smiling at him.

Luke blushed, but he couldn't help it. It was the way those chocolate brown eyes sparkled everytime she looked at him. It made him soft, and for once he didn't care.

"Should we go inside?" Luke asked the group.

After a couple nods and 'Yes's, Luke linked his arm with Julie and started walking towards the front door.

This really wasn't Luke's scene, but he'd do it every night for Julie. She always had so much fun being around everybody, but Luke could just be around her for the rest of his life and he'd be fine.

When the first slow song came on, Julie dragged Luke out onto the gym floor to dance. He didn't really know where to put his hands, but Julie could tell that, and she helped him. Then, she pulled herself so close to him that he could feel her breather on his neck. Luke would have collapsed to the floor in a puddle if he wasn't the only thing holding Julie up.

When the song was over, they went back to their friends who opted out of the slow dance. They were standing there talking for a minute then they heard the strangest thing come from the microphone.

"Next up, a surprise performance from Julie and the Phantoms!"

Julie looked at Luke. "Is this another one of your surprises?" She asked him.

Luke shook his head no. He was just as surprised as everyone else by the looks of it.

"Oh my gosh." Flynn finally said. "I forgot I set this up."

"Flynn!" Julie complained. "Don't you think this would have been nice to know in advance?"

"I forgot!"

Julie sighed, and they all started walking up to the stage where instruments were already set up. On the way, Julie was conversing with Luke.

"What song should we play?" She asked.

"I dunno. You pick."

"You can't always expect me to pick. Your turn."

"Would you two stop bickering like an old married couple and just choose a song?" Alex interjected.

"Wow. Thanks Alex," Luke said with an eye roll.

"Just do Great," Reggie decided.

They all nodded and walked onto the stage.

"I hope this is good since we haven't been practicing much," Julie whispered to them before grabbing her microphone.

"Hey everyone! We're going to sing Edge of Great for you guys today. Hope you like it," Julie said into the microphone.

She placed her fingers on the piano and started playing the chords.

Running from the past

Tripping on the now

What is lost can be found, it's obvious

And like a rubber ball

We come bouncing back

We all got a second act, inside of us

Once again, Luke was blown away by her singing ability. He didn't think he would ever get over the fact that she could sing like there was no tomorrow. It was just like what Reggie had said when he heard her sing for the first time.

"That girl can sing."

She sure can, and that girl is his girl, so that automatically makes her even better.


That girl is his girl :)

See you tomorrow for the final chapters of Sweetheart!

Love y'all!

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