Chapter 55: "I'm likable."

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Heyy here's your first chapter for today!

I'm gonna tell you something about my life because... well just because. I had a sleepover with my cousin last night and we literally stayed up until 3 am planning a fake party that we're never going to host or have. So, if you ever wonder what I'm like, that's it.



Luke did it. He got her to take a break and was able to spend time with her. That was his one mission, and for now he just wanted to enjoy this afternoon with her.

"Julie, are you feeling okay? You're so caught up in your work that you forgot to have fun, and your mood has been worse lately," Luke said after a while.

"Gee, thanks," Julie said sarcastically, looking down into her cup.

"I just mean it was almost like you were after your mom died. You're spending more time by yourself, your bright smile is missing most of the time, and you always seem stressed."

"How do you know what I was like after my mom?" Julie asked.

Busted. Now was as good of time as any to come clean. "I watched you and noticed you, ever since that first day you came to Los Feliz. When I saw your personality from afar, and saw how quickly it declined when your mom passed, I made it my life's goal to make you happy again."

"Well, it worked if you were wondering," Julie said. "I can't believe you were paying that close attention to me. I really didn't like you when I first met you."

"Hey! I'm likable," Luke defended.

"Now you are. I just had to get to know the real Luke Patterson instead of just seeing the cocky and arrogant one that you act like at school."

"I'm not that cocky," Luke said, making a pouty face. "When did you realize you liked me, then?"

"When you first asked me to join your band. I did everything I could to convince myself that I didn't like you, but my blushing cheeks were a dead giveaway, or so I thought. You never caught on." She laughed.

"Wow, and here I thought that it was a mutual thing," Luke said, sounding a little disappointed, but he was being sarcastic.

They both laughed, and told more stories. Julie's spirits seemed to be lifted after just a short while. Luke was driving her home, and she was listening to her classic songs, screaming them in the car instead of singing them. All Luke could do was laugh. He loved it when she did that. He loved her.

"I love you," Luke laughed while she was singing a Taylor Swift song.

Suddenly, everything went silent. The music stopped, and Julie stopped singing.

"What did you say?" Julie asked.

Shoot. No going back now.

"I said I love you, Julie," Luke said, wishing he could take his eyes off the road to see her reaction.

"You're gonna need to pull over."


"Pull over, Luke."

Luke followed her orders, and pulled over. He blew it. It was too early to say that.

"Why'd you want me to pull over?" He asked, nervous for what she might say.

"Because I can't kiss you while you're driving. I love you too, Luke Patterson," She said, her eyes sparkling up at him through the dark.

Luke smiled bigger than He ever thought possible. "You... you love me?"

"I love you!" She yelled.

"Good, because I love you, too!" He yelled back.

And then, their lips collided, and Luke felt true happiness. He felt like his heart was about to explode, he was on cloud nine. The woman he loved loved him back, and that was all he needed in that moment.


And I love you guys :)

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