Chapter 30: "Kiss me?"

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Oops! I disappeared again. I'd say I'm sorry, but I'd probably do it again, so what's the point in apologizing a million times. Anyway, I hope y'all have had a great week so far. Let me know how it's been. I miss all of our conversations in the comments.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! I created a oneshot! It's not visible on my account, but if you go to natashawahl 's account under the HSMTMTS/JATP oneshot story you will find it on the second chapter. I spent a really long time creating it, and I really want all of you to go read it and vote on it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go! It's called Letters from Heaven.



Julie was in fact able to bring her grades back up. She took the test she missed, and her dad was almost more happy than her. Julie had brought the guys into her house a lot that week so they could make amends with her dad after convincing her to sneak out (mainly Luke, but you can't just single him out or he will make his pouty face).

This particular day, it was only Julie and Luke hanging out because Alex and Reggie had to do something (they wouldn't tell either Luke or Julie, so really, don't ask).

Luke was sitting on the couch strumming his guitar, and Julie was across the room sorting CD's and vinyls.

"You know, you're pretty lazy. You could at least help me," Julie commented teasingly.

Luke made his signature pout face.

Julie laughed. "You're cute when you pout."

"You think I'm cute?" Luke's face instantly perked up.

"No," Julie responded for him to return his face to a pout. That made her laugh harder than before. "I'm kidding."

"You really think so?" This kid's face was no joke as bright and happy as a kid on Christmas morning.

"Or am I?" Julie teased for his face to fall again.

He set his guitar next to the couch, stood up, and walked over to her.

Julie felt a shiver go down her back as he stood close to her, reaching across her arm to grab the CD in front of them.

"I know it's pretty old school, but I want to have CD's of mine around sometime. It just makes it seem like you've made it, ya know?"

Julie smiled. "Yeah. I get it."

It was silent for a minute, but Julie didn't know what to say. Luckily, she didn't have to. Luke spoke first.

"Listen, Julie, I wanted to um. I wanted to tell you this the night of Cafe Mocha, but everything just kinda failed that night so," He laughed while rubbing the back of his neck. Julie turned to face him and looked him in the eyes to signal she was listening with her full attention. "Man, this is harder than I thought it would be. Um, I like you and I was wondering that if you felt the same, maybe we can try being more than friends?"

He rambled it out fast as if he went any slower, it wouldn't come out. Julie could tell he was nervous, and that he was serious as serious could be.

"It's just that I kinda feel like we have this... I don't know..."

"Spark," They both said at the same time.

"So, you feel it too?" Luke questioned.

Julie nodded. "Luke, even from the first day you showed me to music class, I've liked you. No matter how hard headed, stubborn, or cocky you are."

Luke smiled his perfect smile. "Okay then. Let me ask officially. Julie Molina, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, Luke Jamie Patterson, I will," Julie answered laughing.

Luke rolled his eyes. "Not my middle name, but I'll take it."

Again with the eye contact. There was silence around them, just hazel and brown eyes meeting each other. Both smiling like idiots.

"Kiss me?" Julie suggested.

Luke nodded and leaned in. She wrapped her hard around his neck, and he wrapped his around her waist. The kiss was soft, and Luke's masculine scent was encasing her. Julie wished she could stay like this forever, but they had to come for air sometime.

As they pulled away, comfortable silence was almost the most perfect thing that could have happened if it weren't for the loud cheering from the outside of the garage.

Luke and Julie laughed towards each other as they recognized the voices behind the cheers.

They both turned to face the open garage door where Alex, Reggie, and Flynn were all cheering and hugging each other saying things like "Finally!" and "Our plan worked!"

Then, Julie woke up.


Sorry for that ending, but they can't get together yet! You'll have to come back later for more. Maybe that's my secret way of getting you to come back hahah

Don't forget to vote and leave some comments! Love y'all and see you next time! :)

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