Chapter 32: "...isn't her name Stephanie?"

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Hey everyone! It's another Friday, and that means it's another Sweetheart update! I'm super close to finishing the story in my writing, so be on the look out once I start posting everyday. I might even post multiple a day if I remember.

LAST REMINDER to head over to natashawahl 's HSMTMTS/JATP one shot story and read Letters from Heaven on the second chapter of the story! It's a really special story that was inspired by Chevel Shepherd's song, The Letter, so if you get a chance to listen to that as well, it would be great. 



Reggie told Julie that he would find the guys and tell them, so Julie went straight to her locker to grab her books for the first class of the day. But, when she closed her locker, a certain someone was standing right there, and Julie jumped half a mile.

"Hey," He spoke with his low, deep voice.

"Why did you have to scare me like that?" Julie started. "What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk about what song we're gonna play tonight. I was thinking... Great?"

That was Luke. Always thinking about music. Although it was a good question.

"Yeah. I think Great is a... great choice."

"Sweet. Well, that's pretty much what I wanted to talk to you about. So..."

"Oh. Okay," Julie said, but she didn't mean to make it sound so disappointed.

A beat of silence passed before he spoke again.

"Uh... no, actually there is one more thing I wanted to talk to you about. It's... Look, I know I'm not the easiest person to work with, but I... I wanted to tell you that I think you make me a better writer," He blurted out, scratching the back of his neck like he always does when he's nervous.

"I think we make each other better," Julie responded.

If only he wasn't just talking about writing music. As much as Julie felt that what they had just said was true, there was a part inside of her that was hoping it had some sort of double meaning.

Another beat of silence, this time with eye contact that could quite possibly melt Julie to a puddle in her shoes if that were possible.

"You know what? Why don't we just ditch school today? Let's go rehearse," He said, breaking the silence.

"What? No. No," Julie started. "I promised dad, school first."

"Right. You were at school first, and now you're leaving to go rehearse," Luke said, never breaking eye contact. Julie had to admit, it sounded like a lot of fun. I guess that just shows how much of a bad influence Luke is. "Come on. I can't do this without you," He begged.

"I can't... we have to perform that dance today, and I don't want to leave Nick in the dust."

"Hey, Julie!" Nick's voice carried through the hall.

"...And he's heading this way," Julie said, gesturing past Luke.

Luke acted like he was walking away, but when Nick had made it to Julie, he turned around again.

"Ready for our big performance?" Nick asked.

"Oh yeah. Yeah. We're gonna do great."

"I'm glad you're confident. Even after three classes, I still think I got worse. It's a good thing I got my secret weapon," He said, nodding his head towards Julie.

Julie glanced behind Nick to see Luke making a face, mocking Nick. Even though Luke wasn't speaking, Julie decided to say--

"Shut up," She said, still looking at Luke. She looked back to Nick, who had a confused look on his face. "Uh, shut up," She said sarcastically.

"No, seriously Molina. I'm nothing without you," Nick responded.

"Shh. No. No. You're gonna be fine," Julie said, slightly pushing Nick's shoulder while Luke imitated being pushed there too. "See you in there?" She asked Nick.

"Yeah. I'll be the guy trying not to make us look stupid," Nick said, walking away.

Luke mocked him some more, and Julie could tell he was trying not to let Nick see him. Once Nick had walked away fully, Luke came back up to Julie.

"Well, he is just too cute. I think someone has a crush on Julie."

They both laughed.

"If only he knew," Julie thought.

Suddenly, she felt guilty. Looking towards the floor, she said, "I'm sorry I chose him over you."

"Nah, you're good. I don't like to brag, but I'm pretty good with..." He trailed off, seeming to forget his dance partner's name.

"...isn't her name Stephanie?" Julie asked.

"Um, yeah I think so. I wasn't really paying attention. She talks a lot."

"Well, I'll see you later," Julie said, walking away from those big hazel eyes that always seem to suck you in.

"Guess we'll just have to carry you tonight just like we always do!" Luke slightly yelled after her.

Julie sighed.

"I know you're smiling!" He said after her again. "Kill it on the dance floor!"

And that's when Julie fell even harder for Luke Patterson.


Fun fact! The scene this is modeled after is my favorite Juke scene! I loved writing this. 

Don't forget to vote and comment! See ya'll soon! :)

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