Chapter 40: "Is it a crime to kiss my boyfriend?"

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Chapter number 2 for today! I really hope you guys are enjoying this so far!


Almost everything so far has been going perfect for Luke. Perfect band, perfect friends, perfect girlfriend. Only thing he was missing was a good relationship with his parents, but that seemed far out of reach now.

Two weeks had passed, and they never once tried to contact him. You could say that's Luke's fault for blocking their numbers and hiding his location from them, but they could have tried, ya know? For now, he was completely contempt living in his girlfriend's mother's garage. He would go out every once in a while, but lately that's been scary.

Caleb, the guy who took Luke, Alex, and Reggie to the dance after exploiting them seemed to always be popping up. He wanted the boys to join his club's band, but Luke had already explained multiple times that they were happy with their band, but Caleb kept coming back for more. He was never really up in Luke's face, but he was always lurking in the background, stalking, watching, staring. Luke just didn't know what to do.

Today, Luke took Julie to an ice cream parlor. She got vanilla bean, and he got mint chocolate chip. They sat in a corner booth, and just talked. Everything was going smoothly until Luke glanced to the front of the store.

The man looked out of place, and that's what drew Luke's eyes in. His purple coat and top hat really set him apart from the rest of the customers. Caleb was there. He was watching them, just like he had been the last few weeks. Luke couldn't escape him. It was like he knew where he was going to be every second of every day.

"Is everything okay?" Julie asked, snapping him out of his trance. She turned her head and looked where he was looking.

"Yeah. Yeah. Everything's fine," Luke replied, obviously lying.


Luke looked into her eyes, "Julie. Everything's fine. We should probably go."

Julie sighed and nodded.

Together, they both stood up and made their way out of the parlor. Luke made sure to check behind him before fully leaving. Caleb couldn't know where they were going.

Instead of taking Julie home, they walked down to the beach. Faster than they probably should, but Luke was only determined to get away from the purple wearing, band-obsessed freak. He gripped her hand and walked as fast as he could. Julie was just dragging behind him.

"Luke? Where are we going?" She called after him.

Luke didn't answer. He felt Julie halt behind him, and that made him almost fall backwards.

"If you don't tell me what has you so riled up right now, I'm going home," She said seriously, folding her arms and lifting an eyebrow.

Luke looked into her eyes, sighed, and was about to tell her everything. Before he could do that, he saw Caleb in the background. So, Luke grabbed Julie's arm and pulled her into a small well-lit alley.

"Julie. Don't be alarmed, but there's a guy following us."

"A what?" She asked, lowering her voice.

"A guy. Well, his name is Caleb. He wants me, Alex, and Reggie to join his band. He's been following me for a while," Luke explained quickly, his eyes darting around to check for peering eyes from a specific man.

"What do you mean he wants you to join his band?" Julie looked at him like she had a lot more questions. Luke decided it was best to tell her everything.

"Remember the night we were supposed to play at the school dance and the boys and I kinda bailed on you?"

"How could I forget? And there's no kinda about it. You guys did bail on me," She replied, hurt apparent in her voice. Luke knew how much he hurt her, but he had forgotten how much it affected him.

"Yeah. Still sorry about that, by the way. Anyways, we were stuck on the side of the road with no phones and a broken down car. Caleb pulled up in a fancy car and asked if he could give us a ride. Well, me being me, I explained that we needed to get to school to play at a school dance, and he offered to give us a ride. Except, he wanted to use us. He said he needed some extra band members, and I took the opportunity just to get to you faster. He used us that one night, and ever since, he has been following me around everywhere to try and get us to join his band. Julie, you know I would never hurt you. I've told him multiple times to leave me alone," As Luke explained all of this, he watched her face rise and fall with every word he said. She was taking it all in and trying to understand.

"You're telling the truth?" She clarified.

"Yes," Luke said, hoping that it sounded as serious as he meant it.

Julie took a deep breath.

"I wish you would have told me this before so that I could help you."

"Julie, I've got it under control. We just need to get back to your house without him following us. As long as he doesn't know where you live, we will be fine."

Julie nodded, and kissed his lips.

"What was that for?" Luke asked.

"Is it a crime to kiss my boyfriend?"

This girl. She was something else.


Caleb making a return. It's super hard for me to write about Caleb because I'm not good at villains. So, if this seems bad, then idk... imagine it some other way? 

Don't forget to vote and comment! 

See you tomorrow! :)

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