Chapter 41: "I think we have bigger things to worry about, Alex."

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Hey everyone! How's your day so far?



Julie knew just how to lose Caleb. She and Flynn would always take this path home because it's faster, and They were always out until just before curfew.

Julie led Luke through the alley, and out to a small path.

"How'd you know about this?" Luke asked her, amazed that it was that easy to escape wandering eyes.

"Flynn and I used to walk home this way. It's faster than walking through the beach," Julie explained.

"Wow. Is there more about you that I don't know?"

Julie laughed. "A lot, probably."

It was silent for a minute, and then Luke spoke up.

"Is it true that you and Carrie used to be friends?" He asked.

"Yeah," Julie answered, looking at the ground.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened between you two?"

Julie sighed. She hadn't thought about it in a while. She preferred not to think about it, usually. "The three of us, Flynn, Carrie, and I were the bestest of friends. We would talk with her dad and my mom about music for hours. But, when Carrie's mom left her dad, she turned cold. I think she felt like no one loved her anymore. She was shutting us out, humiliating us, and hanging around the more popular kids until she became the most popular. It was all very hard, if I'm being honest. Especially after my mom died. She really made me feel like I wasn't worth anything."

Luke stopped in his tracks, so Julie stopped too. Facing each other, Luke put his hands on each of her shoulders and spoke directly to her. "I hope you know that you are worth everything and you deserve everything. Don't let anyone tell you differently."

Julie smiled at the ground. How lucky was she to have Luke as her boyfriend. She knew he would never do anything to purposely hurt her.

Luke tilted her head up and placed a single kiss upon her lips. It was a kiss of reassurance. Julie didn't need reassurance, but she wasn't complaining.

"We better get back home. It's getting late, and Alex and Reggie should be coming over for band practice soon," Julie said.

Luke nodded and they continued their walk.

"Where were you two?" Alex asked in a suggestive tone the second they walked into the garage.

"I think we have bigger things to worry about, Alex," Luke said, changing the subject.

Both Alex and Reggie shot him a confused look.

With that, Julie let Luke explain everything about Caleb to them.

"I was seeing him too. Now as much as you, but I wonder what he wants," Reggie wondered.

"He probably still wants us to join his band," Alex suggested.

"That's what I was thinking, but I'm not about to just go up and ask," Luke added.

"Well, what do we do about it, then?" Julie asked.

"What about Willie?" Alex suggested.

"Who's Willie?" Julie asked.

"Wasn't he that kid that was with Caleb that night?" How would we even find him?" Luke prompted.

"I talked to him a lot that night. He said he likes to skateboard down Sunset Blvd," Alex explained.

"Do you think he would know anything about what Caleb was planning?" Luke asked.

"Probably. I think he's like his right hand man or something," Alex said.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go find him," Julie suggested.


Willie's first appearance and it's just his name lol.

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See you later!

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