Chapter 23: "Happy Birthday, Luke!"

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Hey, hey! It's FriYAY! 

I'm sorry that was weird. 

Well, here's another update before I leave to go to my cousin's baby shower. 

Enjoy! :)


Well this is not the way Luke had intended the night to go. If you were to ask him how he and the boys ended up being blackmailed into playing with a different band after being stuck on the side of the road, he'd tell you he didn't know either. One minute they were trying to get someone to stop and help the poor teenagers, the next, some old guy that wore a purple coat was telling them he wouldn't help unless they played with his band. What a jerk, to be honest.

They should have just refused the help and kept waving their arms on the side of the road instead. If it weren't for Luke being so excited and rushing to play with Julie at the dance.

Now, they were on their way to Julie... at midnight. Maybe they could still play the dance? Luke's been to one or two of those. They usually go until 1 am. Then again... they were supposed to go on at nine. Is this how Alex always feels? Anxiety eating up his insides, he almost couldn't breathe. That mixed with guilt was enough to throw him over the edge. He was angry and sad at the same time. This sucks.

From the minute they burst into the gym yelling that they were ready to rock, to the moment that Julie was storming out, It was killing Luke. He felt worse than he did before. The guilt was going to swallow him up if he didn't say something right now.

"She'll get over it. Let's get out of here."

Unfortunately, these guys have been with him since before he could even play a guitar, so they knew exactly what was up.

"Luke, you don't have to hide it from us," Alex tried to console him, but it wasn't working.

"Yeah, man, She didn't mean what she said. I don't think joining this band was a mistake for her. Look at how much it's helped her!" Reggie added, trying to lighten the mood.

"Just forget it. It's all that Caleb guy's fault that this happened," Luke gruffed.

With that, nothing else was said. They all retreated to their houses, and Luke went straight to bed.


The next morning, Luke woke up to the sound of his alarm, groaned groggily, and heaved himself off his bed. It seemed harder today than any other morning.

After getting dressed and brushing his teeth, Luke walked into the kitchen where his mother was there to greet him.

"Happy Birthday, Luke!"

"Thanks, mom."

"Your father had to go to work early today, but he wishes you one too," She added.

Luke hummed in response, and he grabbed a piece of toast from the table and started out the door.

"Luke, aren't you going to stay and eat breakfast? I made your favorite, pancakes," His mother practically cried from the kitchen.

"Nah, I've got to go. Thanks, though," Luke replied as he was slamming the door behind him. He used to really love his birthday, especially the one that he received his first guitar. But, after he and his parents started fighting all the time, there were only two days that they didn't. On Christmas and Luke's birthday they always pretended everything was fine, and that they were happy every other day of the year.

He was early, but he decided to start heading towards school. Maybe he could sneak into the music room and mess around on some instruments. Maybe he'd be able to find Julie and talk to her again.


She didn't show up. Julie didn't show up to school today and it's all because of him.

He realized this half way through third period and into fourth.

Fourth period was P.E. Luke had gotten stuck in the athletics P.E. with all the lacrosse players because he needed extra credits. It sucked most of the time, but today was kinda interesting.

Apparently, Julie had shown up to school for fourth period. When Coach Barron had announced that they were going to be combining with the girls' dance class the next couple weeks, Luke dreaded it. That was until he walked in.

Julie was the first thing to catch his eye.


Ooooo She never leaves his mind, does she?

What do you think will happen next?

Don't forget to vote and comment! See ya next week ;)

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