Chapter 36: "Stay. Please."

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Final chapter for today! 2/2


Ever since Julie's dad edited and posted the Edge of Great video to her YouTube, it has been blowing up. It had over half a million streams in just a couple days.

"I bet we'll be getting calls from record execs soon," Luke had said one day after checking the view count on the video.

Julie had to admit, she was super stoked to be getting this kind of attention to the band. From all the comments, everyone seemed to really love the song. There were also a few about how cute of a couple she and Luke are. Julie would be lying if she said she didn't screenshot those ones to look at later.

Now, it was almost the end of the school year, and summer was right around the corner. That means more gigs for Julie and the Phantoms because Julie didn't have to put school first.

After finishing her last bit of homework at 8pm, Julie thought it was time to write a little, so she made her way out to the garage.

She was minding her own business and whistling on her way. Julie pulled open the doors to the garage and was suddenly bombarded with clothes slung all over the floor. While trying to figure out what was happening, she tripped over a guitar.

Still trying to catch her bearings, she heard a sniffle come from the general direction of the couch. Julie reached over and flipped on the light. She was met with a very red-faced Luke, sitting in a ball on the couch.

"Luke?" She asked. "What are you doing out here? Are you okay?"

"Sorry," He said with an extra sniffle. "I was just going to hide out in here for a while. I didn't have anywhere else to go, and I hoped you wouldn't come out here so quickly."

Julie made her way over to the couch, sat next to him, and placed her arm around his back.

"What happened?" Julie could tell that Luke was choking back tears as he was trying his hardest to answer her. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to," she added.

"My mom and I had a fight. I was so fed up that I just left," He was looking anywhere but her eyes, and Julie knew that he was really heartbroken. "My parents are never going to understand that all I want and need is music. They thought it was just a hobby, but it's my life."

"I understand. Luke, look at me," He swallowed and looked into her eyes. "It's not your fault. They'll come around eventually. For now, stay here as long as you like. Let's just not tell my dad." Julie said with a small laugh, and it made Luke chuckle a little bit too.

Julie got up from the couch and started cleaning up his belongings that he had seemed to just drop the second he walked in. She put them in the corner and started sorting them. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Luke just watching her. Julie didn't mind, at least he wasn't crying anymore. Seeing Luke cry was ripping her heart in half. No one that is that perfect should ever have a reason to cry. Yes, she knew Luke was exactly perfect, but it was more that he was imperfectly perfect. She was so kind and had the best enthusiasm about what he loved.

After Julie finished, she stood up, looked right at him and said, "Do you need a blanket, water, anything?"

Luke nodded. "Can you get me some water please? All this crying is making my throat dry," Luke said with a small sad chuckle.

Julie nodded and left the garage. She returned just a couple minutes later with a glass of cold water. She handed it to him and turned to leave the garage. "Goodnight," She said.



"Stay. Please."


OOOOO We're starting to get interesting!!

Don't forget to vote and comment! Let me know what you think about this chapter! 

See you TOMORROW :)

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