Chapter 21: "I forgot!"

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SURPRISE! I knew you loved me. 

In honor of myself writing three chapters the other day, (you didn't hear this from me, but it was fluffy) I am posting a surprise chapter so y'all don't have to wait a long time to read the next part. 

Enjoy! (Or don't)


"Luke, honey, can you come here for a second?"

Luke set his guitar down and walked into the living room where his mother was.

"Yeah?" He asked.

Luke's mother handed him a few $20 bills and a nicely folded paper.

"Will you head uptown to get your dad his birthday present? I have some errands to run or else I would do it myself," She explained.

"Sure," Luke replied before pulling out his phone to call Alex.

After just a few rings, Alex picked up on the other end of the call.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Alex, can you go get Reggie and meet me at my house? I have to go uptown to get my dad his dumb birthday present."

"Okay. Give me ten minutes," Alex replied before hanging up the phone.

Luke shoved his phone back in his pocket and went to find his shoes in his mess of a room. One was underneath a blanket, the other under his bed. Luke made his way to his porch to wait for Alex and Reggie. They had to hurry, there was only a few hours until the dance started, and Julie had said that they would go on at nine.

Soon, Alex pulled up with his car that he had gotten last year, on his sixteenth birthday. It was an older car, but it was able to get them places. Luke opened the passenger side door and got in since Reggie was sitting in the back like he always did. For some reason, he liked that better than the front. Reggie was weird like that.

"Where to?" Alex asked.

Luke took a paper from his jacket pocket, unfolded it, and handed it to Alex. Alex typed the address into his phone, and pressed a button for the navigation to start. How did people get around before GPS?

On the drive, they talked about the band. Luke told them about some of the songs he and Julie wrote. He also talked about Julie, but he couldn't help it, really.

When they arrived at the address his mother had given him, Luke hopped out of the car, along with Reggie and Alex, and they walked into an old watch shop.

"How can I help you boys today?" The man behind the counter asked as they approached him.

The man looked like he was in his 50s or 60's. He had silvery white hair, and a big smile on his face.

"Uh. My mom gave me this," Luke said, unfolding the paper and handing it to him along with the money.

"Oh! Mitch's watch!" The man said, turning around and still rambling on. "You know, your dad and I used to be friends. I used to work with him until I opened this watch shop. He's a really great guy." He turned back around and handed Luke a box. "Wish him a happy birthday from me, would ya?"

"Oh. Uh, yeah," Luke responded half-heartedly. "Thanks," he said before turning to go out the door.

"Come again!" The man said excitedly as the three young kids walked out of the shop to quite possibly never return.

They got back in Alex's car to start their journey home.

Sometime later, Alex's car stalled, so they pulled over to the side of the road.

"What the-" Alex complained.

"What happened?" Reggie asked from the back seat.

"His car stopped," Luke simply explained.

"I think he could tell that much," Alex said sarcastically.

"Now's not the time to be sarcastic, Alex," Luke said. "Does anyone know what time it is? My phone isn't working. We go on with Julie at nine."

"My phone died from using GPS," Alex explained.

"I left my phone at home," Reggie added.

Luke and Alex both gave him a glowered look.

"I forgot!" Reggie quickly explained.

That earned him a quick punch from each of them.

Well, now what should they do? They were stuck on the side of the road, no phones, and they had to perform at nine. 


Oops. I'll be in hiding now. See you next week!

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