Chapter 13: "Julie and the Phantoms."

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Hey everyone! Welcome back to Sweetheart! Have any of you got the new JATP book, "Whatever Happens"? IT'S SO GOOD. That's all, thank you.


After grabbing everything he could from Julie's fridge, they made their way out to her garage, or as Julie liked to call it, her mom's studio.

Unluckily for Luke, he dropped a bag of chips on the way out there, and Reggie didn't see them in time to stop. He ended up tripping over them, crushing Luke's favorite chips. Seemed like the end of the world to Luke.

When they stepped into Julie's Mom's studio, Luke's first thought was that it was breathtaking. He knew that if he owned it, it would be rugged, disorganized, and certainly not as beautiful as this was. There were chairs hanging from the ceiling! That's gotta count for something fancy.

He stepped through the large pull out doors and looked to his left. There was a drum set underneath a loft that had many bags and probable junk. To his right was a couch that he was definitely going to jump on the second he had a chance to. It had a coffee table in front of it, and to the side of that was either random furniture or a stereo. Sitting right in front of him and the oil out doors, was a grande piano. Yeah, probably the coolest one he's ever seen. Surrounding the piano was plants and, you guessed it, more probable junk. It was a garage after all.

While Luke was admiring the space before him, Alex and Reggie had taken the food over to the coffee table, and were sitting in random chairs, while Julie sat on the couch.

"Julie, could you stand up for a second? I have to do something." Luke said, flashing his best 'please' smile.

She looked at him-confused no doubt- and got up from her seat on the couch, moving over near Alex. Luke flashed her another smile. This one saying 'thanks'. Then, without warning, Luke flew across the room and landed on the couch on his side. Probably making random noises as he did so, but Luke didn't care. It was a comfortable couch. Snickering filled his ears as he suddenly became aware of everything around him again. It was Julie. He could tell that voice from anywhere.

"What?" Luke asked.

"You asked me to get up to do that?" Julie snickered again.

"Maybe," Luke said, hoping she would laugh even more because man, her laugh was addicting. He could hear that every day of his life and never get tired of it. Now that he thinks of it, everything about Julie is addicting. She was a beautiful drug. He couldn't get enough of even just being around her.

Julie laughed again, walked over to him, smacked his legs with her hand to tell him to move them, and then proceeded to sit down next to him.

"First things first," she started. "A band name. I-"

"Julie and the Phantoms," Luke interjected.

Julie shot him a confused look. "I thought you only said that because you're The Phantoms and I'm, well, Julie."

"I think it fits as a name for us," He explained.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"I like the idea," Alex said.

"Me too," Reggie agreed.

"Okay then, I guess Julie and the Phantoms it is!" 


Nothing happened in this chapter, but I like the idea of Luke ransacking Julie's kitchen and getting upset when he drops some of it.

Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment! Your comments really keep my going, so thank you.l I really love the support I'm getting on this story and it makes me so happy because this story is a part of me. 

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