Chapter 39: "Why didn't you tell me?"

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Hope y'all didn't miss me too much. Here's your next fix of cute Jukeness :)



"You," Julie said, turning her head to meet her eyes to Luke's She could have sworn that he almost choked on his roll. What a bust. Now everything is going to be awkward. Julie basically just confessed her feelings for a guy that doesn't like her back. She started overthinking every possibility that could ever happen and in all of them, the band never stays together.

"You do?" Luke finally asked, breaking the silence.

Julie managed a slight nod.

"Does this mean what I think it means?"

Julie gave him a confused look.

"You... have feelings for me?"

"Not if you don't for me. Then we can still be friends like always. Nothing has to change," Julie said quickly. She didn't want him to feel pressured into anything.

"What if.. I want things to change?" He asked, not breaking eye contact.

Julie was pretty sure her face lit up. "Then it can," She simply stated.

"Hold on. This is not how I imagined this conversation going."

Julie giggled. "How did you imagine it going?"

"I don't really know. Something a lot more romantic than this."

"I think this is a perfect way. It's just us. That's what matters."

"Well then, Julie Molina, I've had feelings for you since the first time I met you," Luke said, grabbing her hands to hold them.

"I have feeling too, Luke Patterson."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Julie shot back.

"You know what? This makes a lot more sense. Alex always said I was the most oblivious person ever. I never thought I would miss something like this."

They both laughed.

"Let's do something about it, then," Julie suggested.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Luke finally asked her.

"Yes," Julie said calmly, even though she was screaming on the inside.

"Let's keep it a secret between us for now. I just want to enjoy us."

"I agree. Let's just enjoy us."


The next morning, Julie woke up happier than she thought possible. Now that it was summer, she could spend a lot of time with her boyfriend. Boyfriend. Julie loved thinking about that. Luke Patterson was her boyfriend. Julie was his girlfriend. Probably the best word that ever existed at this moment.

Julie still hadn't told her dad that Luke was living in the garage, and her dad didn't question that she was spending all her time out there. She was lucky. Her dad hadn't gone out there for a few days, and usually he's always out there.

Julie thought of all of this while she grabbed breakfast and went out to the garage. Julie knew deep down that she had to get Luke back to his parents. She was still worried about him. She had to figure out how to help him, but what's the rush? He wasn't missing school now that it was summer, and even if he hadn't run away, Luke would have been at her house most of the time anyway. She knew how much he didn't like being home.

"Good morning," Julie said, walking into the garage.

"Morning," Luke smiled at her as she handed him his breakfast.


Oh my my my. It FINALLY happened! What did you think about how it happened.

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See you later :)

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