Chapter 58: "You're so pretty I lost all my vocabulary."

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Surprise! I'm posting 3 chapters today, so be prepared!



Luke showed back up to Julie's house before she was even ready, so he waited in the living room with her dad. Normally that would be awkward, but Luke liked Julie's dad, and he was pretty sure her dad liked him. It was like Ray was the father he never had. He was kind and accepting. He was funny... at times.

"Luke, what did Julie say when you brought her to the Cafe?" Ray asked him.

"I think she was surprised," Luke laughed. "She wanted to sing Love Story by Taylor Swift."

Ray went quiet and looked to the ground.

"What is it?' Luke asked.

"Rose sang me that song all the time when Julie was little. She was obsessed with Taylor Swift."

"Really?" Luke asked. "Julie loves Taylor Swift, that must be where she got it from."

"That most definitely is where I got it from," A voice behind them said. Julie was good at coming down the stairs so quietly you never even knew she was there.

Luke stood up and turned around.

"Wow," He said, his mouth gaping wide open. He was sure he was drooling, but he hoped no one else could tell. She was gorgeous, from her head to her feet. Well, she was always gorgeous, but tonight she was more confident about it and it made her ten thousand times even more beautiful.

Julie laughed. "That's all you have to say is wow?"

"Well, yeah Jules, you're so pretty I've lost all my vocabulary."

She slightly blushed and looked to the ground. Luke loved it when she did that. It made him have butterflies in his stomach every time.

"Should we go?" Luke asked. "Reg and Alex are meeting us to be in our group."

"They are?"

"Yeah Reg got a date but he wouldn't tell me who it was. I have no idea if Alex got a date, but he's a party anyways."

"That's true. Flynn wouldn't even tell me if she was going, so I have no idea if I'll even see her."

Luke nodded, and he went to scratch the back of his neck, but there was a box in the way.

Oh yeah! The corsage! Luke held the box out in front of him.

"This is for you," He said to Julie.

"Is it?" Julie asked sarcastically. "You were holding it so long I thought you wanted to keep it."

They both laughed, and Luke walked over to put the corsage on her wrist, and Julie pinned a boutonniere on his suit. (yes, he was wearing something with sleeves, but it was a special occasion).

"Ready to go?" Luke asked her.

Julie nodded, and they started to head for the door, but were stopped by Ray.

"Wait! I need pictures!"

"Dad," Julie groaned.

"Would you like to remember this or not?" her father said.

Julie sighed. "Okay, but only a couple. We're gonna be late."

"Oh come on, Julie. Let your dad take a bunch," Luke interjected.

"Since when did you decide you were on my dad's side?" Julie asked him.

Luke shrugged. "I dunno, but I think you look good and I wanna remember it."

Julie smiled and rolled her eyes before turning to face her father who was already taking pictures of them.


They met up with Alex outside the school, and he had a surprise with him.

"Hey, Willie!" Julie said excitedly when she saw him. She went up to him and gave him a hug.

Even though Luke knew she was just being friendly, there was a fire of jealousy in his heart. He loved Julie, and her being around any guy other than Alex and Reggie would set it off inside of him. Luke knew he had to calm down, so he decided to look away while Julie was talking to him. Instead, he saw Reggie start coming up the sidewalk with somebody who Luke assumed was his date. What he didn't expect was that his date would be...


Me who's never been to a school dance but I still try to write about what happens at them...


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