Chapter 10: "Double Trouble is again!"

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Hey everyone! Be glad I remembered to update this week. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment!


"Thank you! Julie exclaimed.

"But, when you win your first Grammy, I want to be thanked," Principal Lessa interjected as she pointed her finger matter-a-factly at Julie.

"Definitely!" Julie nodded.

Ms. Harrison congratulated her, and as both her teacher and principal walked away, Julie surveyed the gymnasium to see Flynn standing just a few yards away. She heaved herself off the stage and came to a stop in front of Flynn.

"Wow. You did it," Flynn said with a sound of sadness in her voice.

"Thanks to you," Julie said, then she noticed Flynn gulping back something that could easily be tears. Uh-oh. Flynn was upset. "Hey, you okay?"

"Uh, I'm great. When did you start playing with Luke's band?"

Oh. The morning Luke asked Julie to be in the band, Julie had sung again for the first time in a year after finding her mother's song on the piano in the garage that Julie was cleaning. Flynn came in afterwards.


Julie had just finished singing a song she found on her mother's piano entitled "Wake Up." On the bottom of the final music sheet, she read:

"Julie, you can do it. Love, Mom"

Something so special and heartfelt. Julie couldn't believe that she hadn't even stepped foot in the garage until now, let alone stay in music. That's what she had to do. She had to sing to keep her mother's memory alive. Without making music, it had seemed that her mothers spirit was dying and Julie didn't know how to fix it. Until now. Suddenly Flynn's voice emerged from the hole she had buried herself in.

"Carlos told me you'd be out here. We need to talk."

And talk they did. Flynn rambled something about not seeing each other and only being able to like each other's posts on instagram. Then, Julie interrupted her worried, running-on-seven-soda speech with "I just played the piano and sang again."

Flynn was so excited for her, as a best friend should be. As they walked out of the garage and on their way to school, Flynn yelled, "Double Trouble is again!" While pounding her fist into the air.

"Not our band name, " Julie laughed.

--end of flashback--

Flynn and Julie always told each other everything and anything. Only, with everything on her mind, Julie had sort of spaced telling Flynn all the exciting news that was happening.

"Flynn, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? That's all you got? You went behind my back, formed a band with some random guys, left me in the dust, and never even told me one thing about it!"

Flynn scoffed, turned, and ran out of the gym with Julie shortly after her. Unluckily for Julie, the halls were crowded with a hoard of students readying themselves for their next classes. No matter how hard Julie tried to slip through the holes in the crowd here and there, she was stopped by multiple people congratulating her and telling her how awesome the band was. Julie was trying the glance over the crowd to see where her upset best friend had run off to. Another problem had thrown itself in her way, though.

"It's true," a boy said, confirming what everyone else was saying too. It was Nick, Carrie's boyfriend who had seemed to take a liking to Julie very recently. "That was incredible."

Julie was just about to thank him and move on when Carrie appeared out of nowhere.

"It was way better than when you cried and ran out."


Hope you liked it! Let me know!

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