Chapter 1

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"Come on guys!" Mom yelled up the stairs, "the photographer is set"

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"Come on guys!" Mom yelled up the stairs, "the photographer is set"

I picked up Fluffy and stroked his fur as I walked down the stairs to the living room. Every year my family took a Christmas photo and made Christmas cards to hand out to friends and family. Mom and dad stood behind my brother Nathan and we sat on stools while Fluffy lay lazily on my lap.

"Everyone say cheese" 

"Cheese" my family smiled simultaneously into the camera.

"How about we get a ten-foot-tall tree this year?" Nathan asked as we sat down at the dining table

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"How about we get a ten-foot-tall tree this year?" Nathan asked as we sat down at the dining table.

"Don't you think that's a little much?" My dad asked with a raised eyebrow.

"But dad, it's Christmas, what better season to do a little extra" my eyes twinkled as I helped Mom cut out the cookies from the dough.

"Christmas isn't a season," Nathan said laughing at his own joke because no one else would. 

"She does have a point there Phil" Mom added.

Before I could reply the doorbell rang, I excused myself and answered it with Fluffy on my heels. I opened the door and a slender woman with brown hair in a business suit was looking back at me. 

"Good evening" She smiled politely "Can you tell me if Mrs Moore is in?"

"Hold on one second"

I closed the door and quickly told mom someone was at the door for her. I watched as Mom opened the door and stepped outside before closing it behind her. I wondered who that woman was and how she was related to my mom. Just then my mom came in. 

"Who was that?" I asked Mom when she re-entered the kitchen.

"Oh, just another person looking for a donation at this time of the year" Mom waved it off, "As soon as these cookies are finished we'll go get that ten-foot tree"

I was a little suspicious, why would a random woman know her name? I wanted to confront her but decided to keep my mouth shut.

The next day was super boring. I didn't feel like staying at home since it was too boring, so I went out for some coffee. While I was waiting for my coffee I figured I'd text my roommate Olivia. Once I was done ranting about how boring it was, I put my phone aside and drank my coffee. 

Suddenly I heard a familiar laugh so I turned back and saw some of my friends from high school. I was happy to see them and decided to talk to them.

"Hey, guys!" I squealed giving them a big hug. They sat down to have coffee with me, but eventually, they had to leave. 

I figured I'd just go home, as I walked into our house, I saw the same woman from last night leaving the house. 

I was really suspicious now, but my instincts told me not to say anything. I tried to follow the lady but mom spotted me and called me inside. 

I sighed and went up to my room, I grabbed my laptop and went on Roblox wishing I'd never come here. I figured I'd call Olivia and see what she was up to. But she didn't answer my calls. I was hungry but not any more so I went to sleep. 

Eventually, it was time for me to leave, I got on my plane. I loved flying and was really looking forward to the ride, but all my dreams of enjoying the ride were crushed when I realized who I would be sitting in between. They were both guys who looked like toads and one kept trying to steal my armrest while the other was way too busy sneezing and breathing like a train engine to notice what was happening around him. 

But I finally got my revenge when one of them went to the restroom, I spat on his lunch hoping no one saw it. 

I grabbed my suitcase and left the airport. 

"Taxi! Come here!" I yelled.

"Where do you want to go," He asked

"Merivale Manor Appartments," I said as I settled inside the car. 

 He was driving very slow, but finally, we reached. I didn't have any money so I just took my luggage and ran out. 

"Hey! Give me my money" He yelled. But I just ran away. It's not like he could prove it. I felt proud of myself but got a little nervous after some time. What if he went to the cops? would I get arrested? 

The elevator wasn't working so I had to walk up the stairs. "Just great," I said to myself. It was really hard to climb up with a suitcase. I finally reached and I was sweating. I hated being sweaty. I grabbed my key from my pocket and opened the door. 

And what I saw inside shocked me. The whole room was covered in blood, instead of running away as any normal person would, I decided to act cool and explore this place. 

In the middle of the blood, there was Olivia's body.

My whole body was paralyzed, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't believe someone would kill her. I wanted to shout but nothing came out of my throat. I felt like I was living a nightmare, my head tilted to the right and on the wall was a message scrawled in blood. 

"Save your tears" 


Author's note: Hehe so that's the first chapter, it's lame, isn't it -_- hahaha it's so fun to write crap, and ignore the silly ending, I didn't know how to end it lol.

Author's note: Hehe so that's the first chapter, it's lame, isn't it -_- hahaha it's so fun to write crap, and ignore the silly ending, I didn't know how to end it lol

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