Chapter 21

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I tied the last knot on the rope and got up from my crouched position

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I tied the last knot on the rope and got up from my crouched position.

In front of me sat a tied up Arya and whatever her friend's name is. It broke my heart to see her like this, and the fact that I was the reason for her situation made me feel worse. But I knew this was the only option I had.

Some of Caia's minions were walking around. It felt weird using her real name, I'd been so used to calling her 'Kaylee' these last few months.

Slowly, Arya opened her eyes and looked around. After a minute or so she fully gained consciousness and spoke up.

"What have you done to us?" She asked with horror in her eyes.

"Since you wouldn't stop investigating," I said "We have to silence you"

"If you touch a hair on her head I will incinerate you!!" Ethan growled.

I rolled my eyes at him, such a wannabe. 

Just then, Caia walked in. 

"Hello," She said apathetically. 

"How could you do this Kaylee?" Arya asked sadly "I thought we were friends"

"It's not my fault you're so quick to trust people," She said evilly. "Also, you can call me Caia now"

"No need," Arya said.

"But why?" 

"Because I know that 'Caia' isn't the real you. You don't have to do this Kaylee, I know there's good in you" Arya tried convincing her.

"You know Kaylee was just a disguise right?" Caia said "This is the real me, and you can't stop me"

"Please don't kill her," Ethan said.

"We're not killing just  Arya" I spoke up "You know our identities too, that means we have to kill you both" 

"We're not killing just  Arya" I spoke up "You know our identities too, that means we have to kill you both" 

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They both tried struggling out of their ropes, and we just laughed at them. 

"Don't bother trying to break free," Caia said.

"Why are you doing all of this?" Arya asked with innocent eyes.

"We just told you," I said "You know our identities, it's too risky to have you alive"

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