Chapter 23

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I woke up on my bathroom floor, covered in blood and water

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I woke up on my bathroom floor, covered in blood and water. I wasn't sure when I'd fallen asleep or how long I was out.

I slowly got up from the floor and changed into a pair of clothes inside the cabinet. I grabbed my phone and realized it had been two whole days since the incident. 

"Did I sleep for that long?" I thought to myself. 

I felt so numb, I wasn't hungry despite not eating for so long. It was only now that I realized the notifications ambushed my phone. Most of them were from the C.B news app. I opened it and gasped, the trending article was titled "Young Man Found Dead Behind The Cemetery"

They were talking about Ethan! 

I read the article and realized that a few hours after I left, a man's dog sniffed out Ethan's body and the cops were called.

I felt so bad for Mrs Smith, in just four months she lost her entire family. I couldn't imagine how hard this was for her.

I still felt so guilty about what happened to Ethan, he had so many hopes and dreams but they're all gone now, all because of me. 

I wasn't sure if I should or shouldn't call his parents, I didn't know what to say to them.

The next few hours passed by in a blur, I barely ate or slept, and I felt so stupid. My parents didn't have that much money, but they still struggled to send me to college and I wasted it all.

There was nothing left for me here anymore, no college to attend, no mystery to solve, and most of all, no money to live by.

I was supposed to graduate last week, which meant my parents would stop giving me my monthly money. 

Just then, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and my parents barged in with a furious look on their faces.

"What the hell, Arya?" My dad screamed.

"Woah, chill," I told him.

"You expect us to be chill?" My mom shrieked. "We saw the news yesterday to find your friend dead, we call a million times but you don't respond, so we fly all the way here, only to find out that your apartment burned down" 

"We were worried sick about you," Nathan said. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys" I sighed "There was just a lot going on"

"Like what?" My dad asked, angrily.

"Also, how could you not mention you dropped out of college?" My mom asked, disappointed. 

I felt so bad, they must've been so worried about me. I was so selfish.

I broke down into tears, and my parents tried to console me. My tears came non-stop for the next five minutes. I'd ruined everything.

"Don't cry, sweetie," My dad said while hugging me.

"I came by two months ago, everything seemed fine," My mom said "What changed?"

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