Chapter 5

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I couldn't believe he had the audacity to show up here! But then I looked closely I realized I mistook and random person for someone else

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I couldn't believe he had the audacity to show up here! But then I looked closely I realized I mistook and random person for someone else. 

"What are you staring at?" Liam asked.

"Nothing," I said turning towards him. 

"I can get us something to drink" He offered and I agreed. I needed to get to business, I couldn't hang around with Liam all night. I knew that the killer owned a red ribbon, I found it in my room when I first found Olivia's body. It stuck to my shoe and I noticed it only after I'd gone to bed that night. 

And I knew someone back from Dawson City with the same ribbon. But I needed to make sure he was really here. Liam came back with our drinks and we chatted for a while, I had no interest in hearing him speak but I couldn't ditch him right after we arrived. 

"I need to make a quick phone call, I'll be back," I said and disappeared into the crowd without waiting for his reply. I looked around trying to look for Taylor, but the place was packed with people. I pushed them all aside and kept looking until I finally found her helping herself to cupcakes.

"Hey," I said grabbing a cupcake for myself. "I didn't think you'd come"

"I didn't want you to die," She said. "So what is your plan?" 

I told her about the ribbon I found that day, and how if the man was here, it'd make sense for him to be invited to such a party. 

"Isn't that a little far fetched?" She asked not looking convinced "Anyone could have that ribbon"

"My dad's friend has that ribbon he wears all the time, it has this butterfly carved on it," I said.

"Then why didn't you return it to the cops? If they have it they can track the killer" She said.

What she said did make sense, but now it had my fingerprints everywhere, besides if I pulled this off everyone would think I'm awesome. I ignored Taylor's remark and continued speaking, "This place is too packed, we'll never find him"

"Maybe if I knew what 'he' looked like, I could help," She said. 

"He's a lanky man with bristly blond hair and a wedge-shaped nose," I said picturing him in my mind.

"Look over there!" Taylor said pointing behind me.

"Where?" I said turning back trying to find what she was pointing at.

"A CCTV camera!" She said "If we could get into the control panel we can locate this man"

"Good idea, but they'll never let us inside," I said trying to come with a plan.

"Follow me," Taylor said and started walking, I quickly ran after her, she took me to a room with a sign that read "Restricted Area, Employees Only"

"How will we get in?" I asked.

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