Chapter 7

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"What the heck?" I thought not taking my eyes off the screen

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"What the heck?" I thought not taking my eyes off the screen. Did Logan send this? Probably, I knew telling the cops was a bad idea. I called Taylor to tell her the news but she didn't pick up. Ugh, I couldn't believe she left me alone at a time like this.

I took a cab to the company she worked for, it was a huge white building with a brown sign that reads "BreconRidge". 

I walked inside and found the reception, with waiting seats made of leather, and a desk behind which there was a woman who I assumed was the receptionist.

"Hi, is Taylor here?" I asked abruptly. 

She looked up looking confused, "Who?" she asked.

"Taylor Anderson," I said hoping that would ring a bell "You know the girl with dark brown hair"

"Arya? What are you doing here?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turned behind and saw Taylor.

"Ah, there you are! That receptionist is useless" I said walking up to her.

"Well it's a big office, she can't possibly know everyone's name," She said.

"True, but I need to talk to you. Follow me" I said and walked out of the building. 

We found a park and sat on a bench, and it reminded me of the time we first met. I told her all about the email. 

"I'm sure it's nothing," She said in an assuring tone. 

"Nothing? This person is threatening to kill me!" I yelled, I didn't like yelling especially not at Taylor but how could she say that? She wouldn't understand, she isn't getting targeted by a serial killer.

"No, I didn't mean it like that," She said trying to calm me down "I'm just saying Logan strikes me as all bark and no bite type of guy"

"Well he has killed people before, I doubt why he'll hesitate this time," I said shivering.

"Fine, you can call the cops, but I need to leave now," She said getting up and gathering her things.

"Where are you going?" I asked. 

"I'm going on a business trip to Melbourne, and I need to pack," She said.

"Can I come?" I asked feeling stupid almost immediately after I said that.

"I think we both know you can't," She said. "I wish I could be here for you, but this is important and you'll be under the safety of the police"

"Yeah I guess," I said not knowing what else to say.

That night I decided to go to a club or any other place which would be crowded. I really didn't want to go to the cops, but also didn't want to be alone. 

I got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror, feeling proud of how well I dressed. I took a few pictures and shared them with my friends before heading out. I wasn't able to find a cab, so I had to walk. Luckily it wasn't too far so I was able to walk. 

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