Chapter 2

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I wasn't sure what to do, I stood still like a fool, I pinched myself to make sure it wasn't a dream

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I wasn't sure what to do, I stood still like a fool, I pinched myself to make sure it wasn't a dream. I needed to make my next move, my first instinct was to contact the police but then I realized it wasn't the best idea because I might be a suspect. I needed someone to come with me and confirm I was innocent, but since I came alone no one could help me.

"I need to go out of the building and come back in, but this time with a witness," I thought to myself. 

I got out of the house, luckily I hadn't touched anything so I wouldn't be leaving behind any fingerprints. 

I walked out slowly, making sure no one spotted me. Once I was out of the building and made my way to the nearest park. I sat down on a bench and began sobbing. I couldn't believe what had just happened. My best friend was killed and I was sneaking out of the crime scene as though I was guilty. 

"Hey, why are you crying?" A sweet voice asked. I looked up to see a girl who looked like she was in her 20's. "She can be my witness," I thought rubbing my tears trying to come up with an excuse.

"Someone stole my wallet, which had a lot of money in it," I said through sniffles. 

"Did you tell the cops?" She asked as she sat down beside me and placed her hand on my lap. 

"What's the point they can't find the thief anyway," I said. 

"True, what are you going to do now?" She asked in her annoying voice.

"I guess I'll have to borrow some money from my roommate," I said pretending to be sad, I mean I was sad but still. 

"Oh, I can drop you home in my car" She offered. I was a little doubtful as to why she was being so nice to me for no reason, but I needed to get this over with. 

I got into her car and told her where I lived since we were nearby we reached soon enough. 

"Alright, I think I should leave," The stranger said. I was hoping she'd offer to walk me home, but since that didn't happen I had to take matters into my own hands.

"Uh, wait!" I called out. She spun around "What?"

"Can you walk me to my house?" I asked feeling weird. "There's this creepy neighbour of mine I don't want to face alone"

"Sure," She said smiling gently. I felt kind of bad since my neighbour was actually a great guy. We walked up the stairs.

I opened the door and shrieked as if I hadn't already witnessed this scene. "What's wrong?" She asked peeping into my house. She also shrieked. "We must call the cops!" She said grabbing her phone. 

A few minutes later the wail of police sirens stuffed my ears. The cops went into my house and told us to stay back.

I started crying more and this time I wasn't pretending to be sad. I guess this stranger felt bad because she offered to let me sleepover at her place. I know I don't always make smart decisions, like when I tried to explore the crime scene, but even I wasn't dumb enough to go over to some strangers place so I declined.

I booked myself a room at a nearby motel and went to bed. I grabbed my phone to check the time and saw 10 missed calls from Mom, I wanted to call her back but I was too depressed. I went to sleep but woke up every 2 hours because of some nightmare.

The following day I woke up to the sound of a truck's horn. I got dressed and turned on the news channel. The reporters were talking about two murders that had occurred last evening.  This meant if I had reached home a few hours earlier, I could have saved Olivia. The reporter went on to confirm that there indeed was a serial killer in Ottawa.

Apparently, a lot of murders had been happening for the past 3 days, and I'd missed all of it while I was away. I hated serial killers, they're just lame people who kill with no motive. 

The next few days passed by normally, no new murders and people were beginning to calm down, the police were still trying to find the killer, but had no leads.

Mom kept trying to convince me to come back home and stay with her because she felt it was too dangerous here, but I wouldn't listen. I  knew she meant well, but I had no interest in coming back because everything seemed safe to me. And I had to be there for Olivia's funeral. 

I didn't want to go, because I thought it'd be too sad, but I knew her brother Ethan would be there, I know it was wrong of me to want to go just so I could see my crush, but it wasn't my fault Olivia would never let me go out with him. I didn't want to ruin our friendship for a guy so I didn't protest. But now that she was gone I may have a chance with him. I smacked myself for thinking such a thing but I couldn't help it. 

Before going to bed that night I grabbed my V-necked black dress and placed it on a counter, turned the lights off and went to sleep.

Suddenly I heard a crash, I thought I was dreaming but I heard more strange noises coming from the living room. I rubbed my eyes, turned on the lamp beside my bed and got out of bed. I quietly got out of my room and hid behind my couch. I had to put my hand over my mouth to prevent myself from screaming, there was a person whose gender I couldn't tell with a black hood and a knife in hand.

The serial killer was out to get me! 

I watched as the killer walked into my bedroom, I quickly ran into my kitchen got the first knife I could get my hands on, and prepared to leave the house and call the cops, just as I was about to get out I heard a male voice say "Stop!"

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I watched as the killer walked into my bedroom, I quickly ran into my kitchen got the first knife I could get my hands on, and prepared to leave the house and call the cops, just as I was about to get out I heard a male voice say "Stop!"

Crap! He had caught me, there was no use running, I needed to fight, I lifted the knife in the air and hoped I didn't screw up, I guess he wasn't counting on me having armed myself and ran out the window. My heart was beating 100 times faster, I quickly called the cops to tell them what had happened. 

Now I knew the killer's gender and decided something:

I would find the killer and bleed them to death.

Author's note: Hey! Another trash chapter! I had no idea what to write lol

Author's note: Hey! Another trash chapter! I had no idea what to write lol

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