The Benders [5]

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The family crowded around Dean, who was sitting in a chair, with his hands tied behind his back.

Dean woke up, groaning.

One of the brothers looked at his father "Come on. Let us hunt him,"

"Yeah," The brother agreed "this one's a fighter. Sure would be fun to hunt,"

"Oh, you gotta be kiddin' me." Dean groaned "That's what this is about? yahoos hunt people?"

"You ever killed before?" The father wondered.

"Wh..." Dean laughed "Well, that depends on what you mean,"

"I've hunted all my life. Just like my father, his before him. I've hunted deer and bear-I even got a cougar once. Oh boy. But the best hunt is human. Oh, there's nothin' like it. Holdin' their life in your hands. Seein' the fear in their eyes just before they go dark. Makes you feel powerful alive,"

Dean's fists tightened as he heard Natalia whimper in fright at the man's words. "You're a sick puppy,"

"We give 'em a weapon. Give 'em a fightin' chance. It's kind of like our tradition passed down, father to son. Of course, only one or two a year. Never enough to bring the law down, we have never been that sloppy,"

"Yeah, well, don't sell yourself short. You're plenty sloppy,"

"So, what, you with that pretty cop? Are you a cop?"

"If I tell you, you promise not to make me into an ashtray,"

One of the brothers walked over and punched Dean.

"Only reason I don't let my boys take you right here and now is that there's somethin' I need to know," The father walked to the fireplace and took a hot poker.

"Yeah, how 'bout it's not nice to marry your sister?"

"Tell me-any of the cops gonna come lookin' for you?"

"Oh, eat me." Dean muttered "No, no, no, no, wait, wait, wait-you actually might."

"You think this is funny? You brought this down on my family. Alright, you wanna play games? We'll play some games. Looks like we're gonna have a hunt tonight, after all, boys. And you get to pick the animal. The boy or the cop?" The father dragged Natalia away from Missy.

Dean watched wide-eyed as Natalia shrieked "Okay, wait, wait-look, nobody's comin' for me, alright? It's just us,"

"You don't choose, I will." The father brought the poker closer to Natalia, causing the girl's cries to become louder.

"You son of a bitch!" Dean growled. "Alright, the guy, the guy!" He submitted "Take the guy!"

The father moved the poker but kept a tight grip on Natalia. He took a key from around his neck and handed it to one of the sons "Lee, go do it. Don't let him out, though. Shoot him in the cage,"

Lee walked to the door.

"What?!" Dean exclaimed "I thought you said you were gonna hunt him. You were gonna give him a chance,"

"Lee, when you're done with the boy-shoot the bitch, too." The father ordered.

Lee nodded and left with his rifle.

"Better clean this mess up before any more cops come runnin' out here,"


Lee entered the barn and walked over to the control panel. He inserted the key and twisted it.

"What are you doing?" Sam questioned.

The door to Sam's cage unlocked and Lee walked towards him.

Sam noticed the bracket on the floor and grabbed it.

Lee opened the cage door and aimed his gun.

"Hey!" Kathleen shouted.


Natalia screamed when she heard the gunshot.

Dean glared at the family in front of him, his eyes burning "You hurt my brother and niece, I'll kill you, I swear. I'll kill you all. I will kill you all!"

The father stood up and walked towards the open front door.

Natalia hurried over to Dean's side and hid behind the chair.

"Lee!" The Father called out.


Sam and Lee were both out of the cage.

Sam was on top of Lee. He grabbed the gun and hit Lee in the face with it three times.

Lee collapsed on the floor.

Sam tried to fire the gun, but it didn't work. "Damn,"


"Lee!" The father called out again. He turned to the other three "Jared, you come with me. Missy, you watch our guests now,"

Jared grabbed two rifles, handing one to his father, and they both left.

Missy moved next to Natalia, holding a knife dangerously close to her eye.


Pa and Jared entered the barn, guns raised, and looked around.

"Lee! Where are ya? Lee!" Pa called out.

They found Lee unconscious, locked in Sam's cage.

"Damn it, Jared, get the lights!"

Jared moved over to the light switch and pushed it up.

The barn remained dark.

"They must have blown the fuses," Jared suggested.

Pa tried the control panel, but it was broken.

They moved into another room of the barn.

Sam hid behind a bale of hay.

Pa and Jared heard a noise.

Jared looked around in one area of the room, while Pa climbed a ladder leading to a balcony.

Kathleen moved to a cabinet, unseen, and opened it, but she heard a noise and stopped.

Jared also heard something. He walked to a cabinet and stood to face it. Jared fired his rifle several times at the doors, but Kathleen did not come out. He opened the cabinet but found nothing inside but tools. Jared looked around the barn, when, suddenly Kathleen fell on top of his back.

Kathleen wrapped her arms around Jared's kneck and wrestled with him, before being knocked to the ground.

Meanwhile, Pa was chasing after Sam.

Pa fired his rifle twice, but Sam escaped.

While Kathleen was on the ground, Jared aimed his gun at her.

"You stupid bitch," Jared got ready to shoot her, but Sam entered.

"Hey! Sam called out.

Jared turned around and saw Sam. He fired the but, but Sam ran away to dodge it.

At the same moment, Pa walked in behind Sam and got hit with the bullet instead. He fell to the ground.

Jared cocked the gun and turned around.

Sam appeared behind Jared and grabbed the gun. He hit Jared in the face with the rifle several times, and Jared collapsed, unconscious. Sam placed Jared in a cage and closed the door. He walked to the control panel and locked the cage. Sam made his way over to Kathleen, who was standing over Pa, with her gun raised.

"I'll watch this one. You go ahead," Kathleen said.

Sam stared at Kathleen, motionless.

"Go to your daughter Sam,"

Sam didn't have to be told twice and hurried towards the house.

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