Home [4]

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Jenny entered the kitchen "Oh, baby, either we have rats or Mommy's going crazy." she saw that the playpen was empty "Ritchie? Ritchie?!" Panicked, Jenny rushed into the other rooms and tried to find him. "Baby, where are you?!" she came back into the kitchen, breathing heavily. Jenny saw milk leaking out from inside the refrigerator. She went over to it and opened the door.

"Mommy," Ritchie greeted

"Oh my God!" Jenny took Ritchie out of the refrigerator and held him in her arms. A few moments later, there was a knock on the door. She answered it and saw Sam, Dean, Missouri, and Natalia. "Sam, Dean. What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Jenny." Sam greeted "This is our friend, Missouri,"

"If it's not too much trouble, we were hoping to show her the old house. You know, for old time's sake," Dean said

"You know, this isn't a good time. I'm kind of busy," Jenny said

"Listen, Jenny, it's important,"

Natalia pulled on Dean's hair.

"Ow!" Dean glared down at the toddler.

"Forgive this boy, he means well, he's just not the sharpest tool in the shed, but hear me out," Missouri told Jenny.

"About what?" Jenny asked

"About this house,"

"What are you talking about?"

"I think you know what I'm talking about. You think there's something in this house, something that wants to hurt your family. Am I mistaken?"

"Who are you?"

"We're people who can help, who can stop this thing. But you're gonna have to trust us, just a little,"

Jenny looked unsure.


Missouri, the boys, and Natalia were in Sari's bedroom.

Natalia let out a little giggle as she looked at the room "dada,"

Sam couldn't help but smile as he bounced Nat in his arms.

"If there's dark energy around here, this room should be the center of it," Missouri stated

"Why?" Sam asked

"This used to be your nursery, Sam. This is where it all happened,"

Sam glanced down at Natalia, now realizing why she had said 'dada', his eyebrows knotting in confusion as he watched his daughter. While Missouri looked around the room, Dean pulled out his EMF meter.

"That an EMF?" Missouri questioned

"Yeah," Dean admitted


Dean glared at Missouri. He nudged Sam and showed him that the EMF was beeping frantically.

"I don't know if you boys should be disappointed or relieved, but this ain't the thing that took your mom,"

"Wait, are you sure?" Sam asked

Missouri nodded.

"How do you know?"

"It isn't the same energy I felt the last time I was here. It's somethin' different," Missouri claimed

"What is it?" Dean questioned

"Not it." Missouri opened the closet "Them. There's more than one spirit in this place,"

"What are they doing here?"

"They're here because of what happened to your family. You see, all those years ago, real evil came to you. It walked this house. That kind of evil leaves wounds. And sometimes, wounds get infected,"

Natalia whimpered in her father's hold.

Sam began to bounce her in order to calm her down "I don't understand,"

"This place is a magnet for paranormal energy. It's attracted a poltergeist. A nasty one. And it won't rest until Jenny and her babies are dead,"

"You said there was more than one spirit,"

"There is. I just can't quite make out the second one,"

"Well, one thing's for damn sure..." Dean said as he ruffled Nat's hair "nobody's dyin' in this house ever again. So whatever is here, how do we stop it?"


Dean, Sam, and Missouri were sitting around a table in Missouri's house.

Sam had placed Natalia in her high chair and she was scribbling to her heart's content.

Dean overlooked the different herbs and roots that were on the table "So, what is all this stuff, anyway?"

"Angelica Root, Van Van oil, crossroad dirt, a few other odds and ends," Missouri replied

"Yeah? What are we supposed to do with it?"

"We're gonna put them inside the walls in the north, south, east, west corners on each floor of the house,"

"We'll be punchin' holes in the drywall. Jenny's gonna love that,"

"She'll live," Missouri said slyly

"And this will destroy the spirits?" Sam questioned

"It should. It should purify the house completely. We'll each take a floor. But we work fast. Once the spirits realize what we're up to, things are gonna get bad,"

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