Devil's Trap [4]

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Natalia screamed as the wood continued to rain into the room from the splintering door.

"Sam, let's go!" Dean exclaimed from the open window.

Sam handed Natalia over to Dean before jumping through. He quickly poured a line of salt to ensure the demons couldn't quickly follow.

The Winchesters made it down the ground, Sam made his way for the Impala when he got tackled to the ground.

"Daddy!" Natalia shrieked.

"Stay with grandpa," Dean told Natalia as he placed John by the wall of the building. "Sam!"

Natalia watched the fight.

Dean kicked the demon's chin, but the demon retaliated by telepathically throwing Dean against the windshield of a car.

The Demon went back to punching Sam.

"Leave my daddy alone!" Natalia exclaimed.

The Demon smirked as he stood up and walked towards the three-year-old.

"No, Nat!" Sam shouted as he weakly got up.

A gunshot went off and the demon fell to the ground, lighting reflecting in his skull.

Sam and Natalia looked back to see Dean holding the smoking Colt.

Sam shook his head and quickly rushed to his daughter, shaking off the blurry vision and black spots as he did so.

Natalia looked her father in the eyes "Daddy hurt,"

"I'm okay," Sam reasoned as he brushed her blonde pieces of hair from her face.

Dean tapped Sam's shoulder as he heard sirens inbound "Come on. Come on, we've got to get out of here,"


Sam poured salt around the perimeter of the rundown cabin they were spending the night in. He looked up when Dean walked into the room "How is he?"

"He just needed a little rest. That's all," Dean said as he took a seat on the couch, smirking at Natalia's form cocooned in a blanket.

Sam inhaled deeply as he looked over at his daughter "I'll survive." He turned towards his brother "You don't think we were followed here, do you?"

"I don't know." Dean shrugged "I don't think so. We couldn't have found a more out-of-the-way place to hole up,"

"Yeah. Hey, uh...Dean, you, um...You saved my daughter back there,"

"So I guess you're glad I brought the gun, huh?"

"Man, I'm trying to thank you here,"

"You're welcome," Dean smiled "She's family after all,"

Sam moved over to Natalia to readjust the blanket.

"Hey, Sam?"

"Yeah?" Sam asked.

"You know that guy I shot? There was a person in there,"

Sam looked back at Dean "You didn't have a choice, Dean."

"I know. That's not what bothers me,"

"Then what does?"

"Killing that guy, killing Meg. I didn't hesitate. I didn't even flinch. For you, Dad, Natalia, the things I'm willing to do or kill, it's just...It scares me sometimes," Dean admitted.

John walked into the room "It shouldn't. You did good,"

"You're not mad?"

"For what?"

"Using a bullet,"

"Mad? I'm proud of you. You know, Sam and I, we can get pretty obsessed. But watch out for this family. You always have,"


Natalia whimpered in her sleep and moved deeper into the blanket as the lights flickered and a rumbling sound filled the room.

John moved over to a window and looked outside "It found us. It's here,"

"The Demon?" Sam asked.

"Sam, lines of salt in front of every window, every door,"

"Already did it,"

"Check it, okay?"

Sam nodded and brushed his daughter's head before going to check the salt lines.

"Dean, you got the gun?" John asked.

"Yeah," Dean replied as he moved between John and Natalia.

"Give it to me,"

"Sam tried to shoot the demon. It vanished,"

"I won't miss." John argued "Now, the gun. Hurry,"

Dean looked down at the Colt in his hand.

"Son, please."

Dean moved closer to Natalia.

"Give me the gun. What are you doing, Dean?"

"You'd be furious," Dean pointed out.


"That I wasted a bullet. He wouldn't be proud of me. He'd tear me a new one," Dean aimed the Colt at John. "You're not my dad,"

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