Devil's Trap [2]

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 "You know," Meg said from where she was restrained "If you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do was ask,"

Bobby walked in carrying a container of salt "I salted the doors and windows. If there are any demons out there, they ain't getting in,"

Sam nodded and looked over at Meg "Where's my daughter, Meg?"

"You didn't ask very nicely," Meg teased.

"Where's my niece, bitch?" Dean questioned.

"Jeez. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Oh, I forgot. You don't,"

"You think this is a freaking game?!" Sam demanded as he rushed at Meg, Dean held him back "She's only 3 years old! Where is she?! What did you do to her?!"

"She died screaming. I killed her myself,"

Sam backed off, allowing Dean the chance to punch the demon bitch.

Meg smirked "That's kind of a hitting a girl,"

"You're no girl," Dean hissed.

"Dean," Bobby warned.

Sam and Dean walked over to the man.

"She's lying." Sam said "Nat's not dead,"

Dean patted Sam's shoulder as he looked up at Bobby.

"Dean, you've got to be careful with her. Don't hurt her," Bobby reasoned.

"Why?" Dean asked.

"Because she really is a girl. That's why,"

"What are you talking about?" Sam wondered.

"She's possessed. That's a human possessed by a demon. Can't you tell?"

Dean and Sam glanced back at Meg, who glared back at the three men.

"Are you trying to tell me there's an innocent girl trapped somewhere in there?" Dean questioned.

Bobby nodded in confirmation.

"That's actually good news,"


Sam and Dean walked over to Meg holding John's journal.

"Are you gonna read me a story?" Meg asked.

"Something like that. Hit it, Sam,"

"Regna Terrae, Cantáte Deo, Psállite Dómino..." Sam read.

"An exorcism?" Meg laughed "Are you serious?"

"We're going for it, baby." Dean said "head spinning. Projectile vomiting, the whole nine yards,"

"Tribuite Virtutem Deo." Sam continued to read.

"I'm gonna kill you," Meg groaned. "I'm gonna rip the bones from your body,"

"No," Dean negated "You're gonna burn in hell unless you tell us where Natalia is,"

Meg just smirked.

"Well, at least you'll get a nice tan," Dean nodded for Sam to continue.

"Exorcizamus Te, Omnis Immundus Spiritus, Omnis Satanica Potestas, Omnis Incursio Infernalis Adversarii, Omnis Legio, Omnis Congregatio Et Secta Diabolica."

Meg began to shake in her chair "He begged for his life with tears in his eyes. He begged to see his sons one last time,"

Sam looked towards Dean, knowing that Meg was talking about their dad.

"That's when I slit his throat,"

"Ergo..." Sam continued, now fueled with rage.

"For your sake, I hope you're lying." Dean spat. "'Cause if it's true, I swear to God, I will march into hell myself, and I will slaughter each and every one of you evil sons of bitches, so help me God,"

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