Skin [4]

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Dean and Sam walked around the side of the house and saw Dean's car parked. "Oh, there she is! Finally, something went right tonight," a police car appeared and parked next to Dean's car "Oh, crap," They turned around, but another police car was parked a few yards away. "This way, this way," Dean moved towards a fence.

"You go. I'll hold 'em off," Sam said

"What are you talking about? They'll catch you,"

"Look, they can't hold me. Just go, keep out of sight. Meet me at Rebecca's,"

Dean started to climb over the fence.


Dean stopped and turned around.

"Stay out of the sewers alone,"

Dean said nothing and hopped over the fence.

"I mean it!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Dean called out

"Don't move! Keep your hands where I can see 'em," A police officer ordered

Sam raised his hands in the air.


Dean grabbed weapons from the trunk. "I'm sorry, Sam. But you know me-I just can't wait," he closed the trunk and walked away, heading into the sewer. Inside the sewer, Dean came across a chamber filled with candles and chains. Revolting piles of blood were on the floor. Dean heard a noise and moved to another area of the sewer. He saw a large figure covered with a sheet. Dean removed it and saw Rebecca.

Rebbeca's hands and feet were bound together with rope.

"Rebecca?" Dean asked


Sam was sitting inside Rebecca's house, having a beer. He was talking with the shapeshifter, who was in the form of Rebecca. "Are you sure, I can't look in on Natalia?"

"It's been a pretty busy day for us both. I was lucky enough to put her down for a nap after what occurred,"

Sam smiled apologetically "Yeah, sorry about that,"

"So, say this shapeshifter is real. By the way, you know you're crazy? But, um, say it is real. How do you stop it?" The shapeshifter replaced Sam's empty beer bottle with a new one.

"Thanks." Sam sighed "Silver bullet to the heart,"

The Shapeshifter chuckled "You are crazy," The shapeshifter hit Sam over the head with the empty bottle.

Sam fell over, unconscious.

The Shapeshifter's eyes momentarily glowed silver.


In the sewers, Dean was untying Rebecca's ropes.

"What happened?" Dean asked

"I was walking home, and everything just went white. Someone hit me over the head, and I wound up here just in time to see that thing turn into me. I don't know, how is that even possible?" Rebecca cried

"What about Nat?"

Dean's question only made Rebecca cry harder.

"Oh, my God. I left her at the house because she was taking a nap...oh, my god!"

"Okay, okay. It's okay." Dean finished untying Rebecca "Come on. Can you walk?"

Rebecca nodded.

"Okay, we've gotta hurry. Sam went to see you and Nat,"


In Rebecca's house, the shapeshifter had changed back into the form of Dean. The Shapeshifter finished tying up Sam's hands and feet.

Sam glared at the Shapeshifter as he looked down at his daughter who was in a similar situation as he was, but instead had duct tape over her mouth. "What are you gonna do to us?"

"Oh, I'm not gonna do anything. Dean will, though," The Shapeshifter admitted

"They'll never catch him,"

"Oh, doesn't matter. Murder in the first of his own brother? As well as kidnapping his niece? He'll be hunted the rest of his life," The Shapeshifter picked up a sharp knife and examined it. "I must say, I will be sorry to lose this skin. You're brother's got a lot of good qualities. You should appreciate him more than you do." The shapeshifter poured himself a drink. "Cheers." The shapeshifter took a drink, then picked up the knife from the kitchen and stuck it into the edge of the pool table.

Sam lifted his legs and kicked the shapeshifter, who fell to the ground. Sam quickly sat up and moved his hands up and down on the blade of the knife. The ropes broke apart. Sam was able to take the tape off of Natalia's mouth before she screamed.

"Daddy!" Natalia exclaimed as the Shapeshifter got up.

Sam took the knife and swung at the shapeshifter.

The Shapeshifter grabbed Sam's arm in midswing and twisted it.

Sam fell to the ground.

"Oh, you son of a bitch," The Shapeshifter and Sam started to fight.

Sam tried to pin the Shapeshifter down.

"Not bad, little brother,"

"You're not him," Sam argued as they continued to fight.

The shapeshifter finally threw Sam into a bookshelf. It fell apart, and books fell on top of Sam.

"Daddy!" Natalia cried

"Even when we were kids, I always kicked your ass," The Shapeshifter grabbed a pool cue and swung at Sam but missed and hit a light fixture. After fighting for several more minutes, they fell onto a coffee table. The Shapeshifter pinned Sam to the floor and started to choke him.

"No! Stop it!" Natalia screamed "Daddy!"

"Hey!" Dean called out

The Shapeshifter saw Dean and got off of Sam.

Dean aimed his gun at the shapeshifter and shot him in the heart twice.

The Shapeshifter fell to the ground, dead.

Sam quickly got up and hurried over to his daughter, who was sobbing. Sam picked her up as she sobbed into his neck.

Dean walked to the shapeshifter's body and noticed him wearing his necklace. Dean yanked it from around the shapeshifter's neck and nodded knowingly at Sam, Sam nodded in return to let his brother know that they were fine as he quietly soothed his daughter.

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