Devil's Trap [3]

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 "You better hurry up and beat it." Bobby told the boys "Before the paramedics get here,"

"What are you gonna tell them?" Dean asked.

"You think you guys invented lying to the cops?" Bobby scoffed "I'll figure something out. Here. Take this. You might need it," he handed Sam the book.

"Thanks," Sam said.

"Thanks..." Dean said "for everything,"

"Be careful, all right?" Bobby said "Just go find your kid and dad. And when you do, you bring them around, would you? I want to meet the girl who's got the Winchester boys wrapped around her little finger,"

Sam smiled and nodded.


"You've been quiet," Sam noted as Dean went through the trunk of the Impala.

"Just getting ready," Dean declared. He looked over at Sam "She's gonna be fine, Sam,"

Sam nodded "So is Dad," he flipped the page of the book that Bobby had given him and grabbed a chalk pencil and began drawing on the trunk.

Dean looked over "Dude, what are you drawing on my car?"

"It's called a devil's trap," Sam explained. "Demon's can't get through it or inside it,"


"It basically turns the trunk into a lockbox,"

"So ?"

"So we have a place to hide the Colt while we go get Natalia and Dad,"

"What are you talking about? We're bringing the Colt with us,"

"We can't, Dean. We've only got three bullets left. We can't just use them on any demon. We've got to use them on the demon,"

"No, we have to save Nat and Dad, Sam, okay? We're gonna need all the help we can get,"

"You know how pissed Dad would be if we used all the bullets? Dean, he wouldn't want us to bring the gun,"

"I don't care, Sam! I don't care what Dad wants, okay? Since when do you care what dad wants?"

"We want to kill this demon. You used to want that, too. Hell, you're the one who came and got me at school! You're the one who dragged me and Natalia into this. I'm just trying to finish it so my daughter can have a normal life again!"

Dean sighed in defeat "Fine,"

"I'm serious, Dean,"

"I said 'fine', Sam," Dean showed Sam the Colt and placed it in the trunk.


Sam and Dean were walking close to the river that Meg had mentioned.

Dean stopped when he noticed a building. "Hey, hey. I think I know what Meg meant by 'sunrise'.

The brothers looked over at the Sunrise apartments.

"Son of a bitch. That's pretty smart. If these demons can possess people, they can possess almost anybody inside,"

"And make anybody attack us," Sam reasoned.

"And so we can't kill 'em...a building full of human shields,"

"They probably know exactly what we look like, too, and they could look like anybody,"

"This sucks out loud,"

"All right, so, how the hell are we gonna get in?"

Dean looked back at the apartments in thought "Pull the fire alarm, get out all the civilians,"

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