•Chapter 2 | Meet the Ultimates•

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Mini reminder:
(Y/N): Your name
(L/N): Your last name
(N/N): Your nickname
(E/C): Your eye colour

The next 2 chapters might be really long, considering I want to be as detailed as possible while showing all the Ultimates. Skip this if you'd like, but Kokichi will appear in the 2nd chapter along with the other half of the Ultimates.


The three of you eventually entered another room after talking to Rantaro. You still felt uneasy about him but decided that you would hang out with him later on and ask him some questions.

The room you entered had a long table in the middle with multiple chairs and, as usual, plants growing everywhere. There were two girls inside. One was a short red head with reddish brown eyes wearing a hat that was similar to a wizard's and a uniform with a red skirt. She had this lazy look on her face, unlike the other girl who was doing what seemed like karate.

She had long black hair tied into pigtails with white ribbons, an extra green pinwheel bow between her pigtails. She had a desaturated blue uniform and skirt with a white bow sitting underneath her chest. She looked far more energetic than the smaller girl who was fixing her hat.

The three of you approached the girl with black hair, who suddenly yelled and nearly karate chopped Kaede's head. "HAAAAIYAAAAAAAHHH!!!"

Thanks to your quick reflexes, you pulled her back, her head narrowly avoiding the chop. "H-Huh?" Kaede was stunned momentarily.

The girl brought her hand back and got into a defensive stance. "I'm yelling so I can build up my spirit energy! Don't you know you can unlock your brain's full potential by yelling to build up spirit energy!?"

'Does that include nearly giving people concussions? You just need to yell, not swing your fucking hands everywhere.' Though you stayed quiet because you feared that she may dislocate your shoulder.

"Ah, i've heard that pro athletes do that. It's supposed to help you focus..." Shuichi blurted out.

"I must be prepared for combat at all times, just in case someone tries to attack me! I will protect myself with Neo-Aikido!" She swung at the air.

"Aikido...? Then, you're—" She cut the detective off.

"Oh, yes! I'm Tenko Chabashira! HAIYAH! THE ULTIMATE AIKIDO MASTER!"

"Ooohh! I always imagine Aikido masters to be huge, burly guys, but you're so cute!" Kaede cooed.

'Do you call everything cute? Because you haven't called yourself that yet.'

"C-Cute!? Aaaahhh... St-Stop iiit... I... I-I'm not... cute..." Tenko's face flushed pink, looking away from Kaede with her lips twitching. "My face crinkles when I suck down a shake... And when I wipe my face, my eyelids turn inside-out."

"U-Uhm, I see... But I think you're cute. Right, Shuichi? (Y/N)?"

You flinched when Kaede called your name, nodding with a crooked smile while Shuichi's face was dusted in a barely visible light shade of pink. "...Huh? Oh... right."

Suddenly, her face scrunched into what looked like an expression between disgusted and a... whatever that is. A grin? A smirk? She was glaring intensely at Shuichi with squinted green eyes, who shuffled closer to you in discomfort and tugged his hat down while averting his gaze away nervously. "Wh-What's the matter? Your face looks really intense now!"

"I don't like to be praised by degenerate males." She explained to Kaede.

"Degenerate males? You mean men? Are you... uncomfortable around them?" Kaede gestured to the now nervous Shuichi.

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