◇Trial 2 | Ryoma Hoshi Part 1◇

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(Fair warning for the beginning, the reader will be written in a slightly sexually manner. The background we've created for the reader may confuse many, as we've been struggling to find the truth and facts behind Danganronpa's lore. Therefore, we have decided to add in a few unofficial headcannons of our own. We apologise for any confusion made.)

Word count: 11.8k


"Wow... there's a lot." You mumbled, impressed, yet, disgusted at the same time.

You stared at the body pillow with a certain someone as the image, half lidded eyes and a arm underneath the lifted shirt to reveal to a little too much skin in your opinion

Well, definitely too much of your skin.

"I know, right?... I can't choose between her or kyoko..." Shuichi said, conflicted between choosing the body pillow of yourself or the familiar pink haired female.

You huffed, hands on your hips as you turned away in embarrasment, ignoring the young man next to you rambling on about their personalities.

The worst part is; you can't help but imagine him talking specifically about the personality you played barely a few months ago.

You rubbed your forearm awkwardly, eyes darting between each booth that sold merchandise of your ex-co workers, many of which are extremely inappropriate. It didn't help when you were included in almost every batch the merchants sold.

It was a miracle no one was observant enough to figure out you were one of the actors and voice actors for the infamous Danganronpa series, your face in the animation series happened to be slightly edited in the series, perhaps that's how you've managed to escape your fan's detection.

Or everyone just happened to be too dumb.

You're glad Team Danganronpa were kind enough to shield your's- along with the rest of your co-workers', true identities by editing your images and voices.

Still, it horrifies you to see yourself in a pool of blood in many seasons.

"I'll... be right back, Shuichi. I- uhh... think I saw something I like!" You lied, leaving after dodging all of his excited questions regarding your taste.

Your hid your face to the best of your abilities, having the hood of your hoodie up just in case.

Once you finally entered the restroom and found an empty stall, you remained inside for a little while, debating whether you should leave or not.

You loved your fans, you genuinely do. You loved their fan arts, their animations, their gifts for you. But it gets way too much.

But you can't leave Shuichi all alone here! He basically begged you to come with him after learning you knew about the infamous show Danganronpa. Well... now you're starting to regret that decision.

God, even mentioning the name of the show you've been working for made you annoyed.

But you couldn't stay here any longer, not when Shuichi was likely waiting for you. He had begged you to join him for months, having not an ounce of awareness that you were a character in his favorite show.

You eventually left and found the said male talking to a merchant, holding a small keychain of a chibi (Stage Name). He was engrossed in browing the shelves of keychains.

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