♤ Investigation Part 2 | Ryoma Hoshi's Case ♤

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Ladies, gentlemen, non-binaries, kangaroos, it is with great displeasure to announce that we have ran out of bricks. The forth wall is now permanently broken, because walmart has banned us for a lifetime and we no longer have a supplier for bricks.

May the forth wall rest in pieces.

Anywho, enjoy part 2 lol

Word count: Around 9500+ (Excluding any A/N)


The three of you soon find yourselves in the Ultimate Magician's lab, it was a surprise to see Tsumugi and Kokichi investigating inside.

'Wha-da-fak?? How the hell did they get here before us!? We literally saw them in the gym like... 3 minutes ago!'

Upon hearing the door open, followed by your footsteps, the purple haired boy's head turned towards you direction and grinned when he saw you. You smiled back, or- at least, you tried to give him a smile, an awkward one.

"Hmm, so this is Himiko's research lab. What were we gonna investigate, again?" Kaito asked.

"The trick that Himiko used in her magic show.... I need to figure out how it worked." Shuichi reminded, eyes slowly averting to the purple haired boy just as he silently slipped to your side without alerting you.

You let out a startled squeak once he placed a hand on your shoulder, noticing how firm his grip was, as if he were upset over something. "Ohhh, fancy meeting you here, cupcake! So, how's your investigation going... with him?"

You brushed off the way he glared at the detective, who narrowed his eyes back at the shorter male. "...Not much luck, but can we ask you a question or two?"

"Weeeeell, since you're my favorite little pastry... I'll allow a just a few. So... ask away!" Kokichi encouraged, looping an arm around your shoulder.

You missed the smug grin he gave the detective who sighed at his behaviour.

You smiled at Shuichi reassuringly, nodding your head towards the supreme leader. "It's about when we were kidnapped by Gonta yesterday. You snuck into our rooms to steal our motive videos, right?" Shuichi asked. "But is that all you were doing? You came back pretty late."

"I see... You wanna know my alibi for nighttime yesterday. That's a good question to ask. The gym is off-limits during nighttime, so Ryoma was probably killed before or after... Which makes nighttime yesterday so suspicious, since everyone was doing their own thing." Kokichi stated.

'Talking about trying to stall your way out...'

"And what were you doing then?" Kaito asked, his purple eyes narrowing at the shorter male, knowing he was just stalling out time.

"It'd be easier if I just explained, step by step, what happened while I was out last night. After cupcake regained consciousness, Gonta brought Himiko and Angie... That was about five minutes before 9 p.m. Right after that, I left Gonta's lab and headed towards the dorms. I thought i'd be back in an hour- the start of nighttime- but something happened..." Kokichi trailed off at the end, a playful grin spreading across his face when he saw the confused look on your face.

"What happened?" You asked.

"Right when I got to the entrance hall, Kirumi spotted me." He awnsered. "That was right after I left Gonta's lab...so it around 9 p.m. She started throwing questiond at me left and right, asking if I was up to no good."

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