•Chapter 9 | Shrouded Memories•

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We do apologise for the long wait, we had our finals this year and CatCola decided that I should take an extra week off seeing as it had put me through a burnout.

Also ngl it may make me sound hella lazy and it may sound like a dumbass thing to whine about which I 100% agree with but it's SOOOO fokin' annoying using that / symbol for the () parts, specifically because it takes me 10 seconds to find it even though ive practically memorized my keyboard at this point.

So we just gonna edit our writing just a tiiiiiiny bit. For no discernable reason at all lol


"...Shhh! Don't touch that, sis!"

"Why not!? It's so cute and fluffy!"

"We're supposed to put the damn thing here and leave immediately! Not go around snooping and touching their stuff!"

"But... Mommy looks so cute cuddling that plushie..."

"Pops gave us one job and youse both are gonna mess it up if that loser wakes up! Get your asses movin'!"




"Why can't either of you be quiet and sneaky for a change!?"

The familiar chime of the academy's morning bell resonated through your room, pulling you out of your deep slumber and causing a tired groan to escape your lips as you flipped yourself over to eye the monitor that switched on.

On the screen we're the Monokubs enjoying their cups of whatever the liquid is inside. You furrowed your brows, remembering that one of the Monokubs was gone. "It feels weird not seeing Monokid next to them..." You muttered as the Monokubs receited their morning announcement lines as usual. At this point, you've managed to tune out their voices.

Sure, Monokid wasn't your favorite, but you were used to seeing the blue bear bullying Monodam everytime you saw them on screen.

'You sayin' you have a favorite Monokub? Biased mom.'

You rubbed your temples, feeling your head throbbing in pain as soon as that familiar voice spoke in your head. "No... And i'm not a mom."

"Anyway, we dropped off some presents in your rooms. Cower in fear! Cuz hell starts here!" Monosuke's announcement caught your attention, you sat up in your bed with a puzzled expression, but the monitor had already turned off after the bears bid their farewells.

You squinted your eyes in suspicion, looking around your room to see if anything was out of the ordinary. That was when your (E/C) eyes landed on a device laying on your table, it wasn't there last night.

Getting up from your bed, you grabbed the device and briefly examined it. It greatly resembled your monopad, but it had a colourful frame on, as if it was painted by a child. Turning it around, you saw the words "Kubs Pad" in fine print.

"What's the difference?..." You mumbled, reluctantly touching the screen to see what would pop up. The screen lit up a bright blue colour, you sat back down on your bed in anticipation, hoping you wouldn't see anything disturbing on it.

[ONGOING] | {Aim for my heart!} Kokichi x Reader x ShuichiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ