• Chapter 11 | The Assassin's Facade •

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A bigger spoiler here, but ahhahaha I still don't understand the lore behind the Danganronpa 52 thing, the one with rantaro being the only survivor and coming back in v3, I don't even know if it was explained or not lmao. Just for our time, sake and sanity, we're just gonna include a bit of our hcs here like we did with the last 'flashback light'

Also chapter 3 is ABSURDLY long- and that's saying something. We had to cut down on like 30% of pointless dialouge lol

Word count: 18k+


"...Oh, you're back?"

"Right, you're here too..."

The two of you continued to stare at eachother blankly, vague memories of him flashing inside your head. Both beautiful ones that you held dear to your heart, and ones that made you wished your paths never crossed.

He was the one who averted his gaze away first, his calm but dead lime green eyes staring out the window, it barely felt like time has passed since you last saw him. He still looks the same as before.

You stared at the letter in your hands, your signature written lazily at the bottom. You honestly didn't want to come back here, you remembered being excited to set foot in here for the very first time. But now? You regret even hearing the name of the company.

"...You're still bound to that stupid contract, huh?" He asked quietly, voice raspy and tired. He turns to face you, flashing you a strained but sympathetic smile. "Heh... you've got balls of steel."

You let out a quiet but amused scoff, finally locking eyes with him once more as you flashed him a small smirk. "Yeah? You came back to? But you don't have the same contract as mine."

He shrugs, leaning back on the chair and tossing a paper ball into a nearby bin. "...It's personal."

You let out a sigh, opting to take the empty seat next to him. It felt like the two of you travelled back in time, to when you were both stuck in that wretched world of fictional hell, where all you knew were survival and death alone. Yet, the both of you couldn't help but bask in the comfort of finding eachother. Perhaps your paths were meant to cross again, or perhaps not.

Regardless, you hope that history wouldn't repeat itself.

"...It's great to see you again, (Nickname)."

"Same goes for you, Taro'..."

Of all the lies Kokichi has made so far, you never expected Maki being the Ultimate Assassin to be the truth.

Your wide eyes stared at the various firearms and dangerous equipment stationed on the shelves, you were a little intimated by the sight, just like the rest of your peers were as they looked aroud the lab.

"Wh-What the heck is this?" Kaito was the first one to speak, he was just as flabbergasted than the rest of you.

Kokichi was standing in the middle of the room, grinning cheekily while watching everyone's shocked reaction. "See, I told you she's not the ultimate Child Caregiver... She's the Ultimate Assassin."

All of you weren't sure about what to say- he was actually right. And that wasn't the most shocking part, it was seeing Maki's own lab decorated to look like some sort of hideout for a criminal organisation.

"Kokichi... you learned from the motive video, right?" Shuichi asked. "Monokuma said everyone's Ultimate Talent at the beginning of their video. Ryoma knew Maki's true identity because he had her motive video... And, because you saw that—"

[ONGOING] | {Aim for my heart!} Kokichi x Reader x ShuichiWhere stories live. Discover now