▪︎FTE 4 | Korekiyo/ Angie/ Tenko/▪︎

190 11 45

(btw if anyone saw the draft version of this forget what ya'll just saw ty <3)

Sorry for the long hiatus- late 2023 has been one hell of a roller coaster for our personal lives and 2024 is just getting started with it's chaos

Word count: 8000+


"Darn it..."

You huffed in irritation as you stopped washing your gold-stained scarf, dropping it back into the bucket of water as you realized that your hands are now covered with the gold leaf, sparkling under the light as water dripped down your skin. You were starting to regret cleaning the gold flakes off Kokichi's hands with your scarf.

The scarf was special to you as it once belonged to (Pet's name) and holds the precious memories you had once with it, perhaps now it was with your peers who were now taking care of it for you. It makes your heart melt to think of Kaede playing with (Pet's name) while watching over you.

You sighed in defeat, realizing that your only memento of your deceased companion was completely ruined now.

Not only that, you and your clothes had been soaked with water. You have no idea how exactly that happened, but it ruined your mood.

With a groan, you decided to get changed instead before the gold fakes dry up on your skin and clothes with the water. Unfortunately for you, there were no spare scarves- not that you wanted to wear a new one anyways.

'I'm baaaack!~... Why the long face? Or should I say- wet face?'

"I'm not in the mood to deal with you right now..." You murmured in annoyance as you locked the door, before changing out of your clothes while (emaN) continued to cackle in your head.

'Lighten up, we've got another Free Time Event! Whaddaya say we go bother some idiots for 6 hours?'

"Is that what you call it?; 'Free Time Events'?... Either way, I..." You paused, glancing up at the clock to see that it was still pretty early in the morning. You weren't making any progress with cleaning your scarf and you didn't have anything else to do at the moment. Maybe taking a leisurely stroll might help relax you, you still felt a little worn out from the recent events yesterday.

With a defeated sigh, you took a quick shower and slipped on a fresh pair of clothes, exiting the dormitory. The dormitory was as quiet as always, your peers were probably either asleep or had woken up much earlier than you did. You were met with the bright sun rising in the distance, blinding your eyes and the cool breeze brushing against your skin, you raised a hand to shield the light from your eyes as you squinted.

"Too bright..." You murmured quietly to yourself, the rays of light seeping through your finger.

Maybe you should take a walk inside the academy instead...

'When I suggested to go bother people, I didn't say take a casual stroll in a haunted place.'

You rolled your eyes as you continued walking down the eerie halls of the newly discovered area in the academy, the eerie but catchy music continuing to play in the background from who knows where. The sound of your shoes thumping against the wooden floorboards echoed off the walls, the several empty rooms that you briefly checked had no changes since the last time you saw them- as expected.

[ONGOING] | {Aim for my heart!} Kokichi x Reader x ShuichiWhere stories live. Discover now