CHAPTER 19- I'll be fine

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"Because of you, I can feel myself slowly, but surely, becoming the me I have always dreamed of being." – Tyler Knott Gregson


I'll be extremely surprised if I didn't go blind in the next 5 minutes.

The sun is shining directly into my closed eyes which are now watering....bad.

I tried snuggling more into whatever it is I'm sitting on, it feels so freaking comfortable. I turn my head to hide my face from the sun when my face came in contact with a something hard as rock.

Wall maybe? But since when did wall become so comfortable.

With much difficulty and a lot of mental war I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the sunlight.

I finally open my eyes but now they are watering. Great! 

Right when I want to see what I'm sitting on, all this happens.

I try to move my hands but felt a strong grip around my waist...and a weight on the top of my head.

Oh. My. God.

I immediately closed my eyes. 

Calm down...calm down....your fine... your fine.

Just open your eyes.... nothing will happen.

You can do it Ninu.

A little too much overacting...don't you think?

Ok, maybe she's right....I'm overacting but can you blame me?!?!

There's a freaking hand around my waist!

Just open your goddam eyes dammit!


I slowly open my eyes and very carefully move my head and look up and all the oxygen was knocked out of my body.

I'm sitting on Arjun's lap...freaking out and here he is sleeping peacefully.

Although he looks so damn adorable right now.

I smile looking at his mouth that is slightly open. His messy locks not helping the situation at all. All I wanna do right now is run my fingers through his extra soft jet black hair.

How the hell did we end up sitting....more like cuddling like this?

That's when yesterday' very early morning's events flash in my head.

Me losing my patient. The look on her husbands face, it hurt that I was the reason. I was so fucking close, I could have saved her. Her family would have been happy but no, I lost her.

I couldn't face him much, only I knew how I managed to not cry my eyes out. Her husband looked heartbroken, I could have saved her, all I needed was one more minute that's all, just one minute and she could have lived. One freaking minute was enough to save her but no, time hates me like always and this time someone else was paying for it. Her son will grow without his mother's love, her husband will watch their son grow without his wife by his side to help him and their son, she won't be there to watch her son's first step, his first word, his first fall, his first say of school, graduation, reaction when he gets into his dream collage, getting a job, getting married, having kids, She will miss all this because I couldn't save her. Her son would never know his mother, he would never know how she looked in real life, all he has of her would be her photographs and the memories shared by his dad.

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