CHAPTER 36- I'm a fucking genius

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"I love you right up to the moon and back."—Sam McBratney



Where in the dammed world is she?! I looked in every possible places she could be at....which is either the hotel or the cafe nearby. 

Just because I didn't immediately follow her when she got up from the pond, I'm suffering my consequence by not being able to find her! Where can she go alone? Where would she go alone this late at night?

I've already given her 20 missed calls in the past 13 minutes for fuck's sake.

Its like already 10 in the night and she's missing. If mom or dad or Kajol or Annie or Veer find out...I'm dead for sure.

I frustratingly ran my fingers through my hair thinking of every possible place she could be.

 Come on Ninu where are yo-

Wait wait wait!

Tracking system, I had installed a tracking system on all our phones just in case and by all I mean mom, dad, Annie, Veer and after the wedding Ninu and Kajol.

Right, I fish my phone out of my pocket and start searching for Ninu.

Club? She's at a fucking club right now?!

A club means drunk people either grinding their bodies together or making out which can always lead to sex. And I find anyone even eyeing Ninu, that person will not live to hear the next song.

I sped my car to the direction of the club, my hopes were hanging on an extremely thin thread let me tell you.

Finally after making it there and showing my id in the VIP section, I walk inside.

The second I step in my ears are blasted by the loud blaring music, smell of alcohol and sweat envelope my nose as my eyes are met with imbecile horny hormonal drunk human beings doing what they do best.

My eyes scan the place carefully to find the familiar chocolate brown hair or eyes but its difficult with the annoying lights being dim and the colors constantly changing plus the amount of people here was not helping the whole situation.


I take my phone out but there was no way to make sure she's here and not only her phone.

I move around in hopes of finding her, I least tried my best to find her in the crowd who are busy least some of them, I even checked at the bar but no, she's not there either.

I try calling her again but in vain.

I run my fingers through my hair for the millionth time in the past 30 minutes, frustratingly when my eyes catch something.

A familiar yellow dress, I peek around to get a clearer view and wow....there she is, sitting in a far of corner table.... stuffing French fries in her mouth while here I am worried sick of her.

At least she's alone and not drunk...I hope.

After a fuck load of struggle, I finally manage to make it to her. I stand in front of her with both my hands on my hips waiting for her to notice my presence.



Its been fucking 6 minutes she's still eating her goddam fries not bothered about the fact that there is someone standing in front of her.

I sighed frustratingly. Once again ran my fingers through my hair before clearing my throat.

Of course DJ found this the best time to blare the music even louder, I curse under my breath before calling her name loudly.

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