CHAPTER 26- That obvious?

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"I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night." 


Why do I always have to wake up to this? Every freaking day I wake up to either the sunlight blinding me or my personal human alarm clock busting my eardrums and nearly making me deaf in the process of murdering the person on the other end of the phone.

God my eyes!! Someone please save me.

I curse you Mother Nature! I don't get why she hates me?!
I mean come on! I haven't done anything to her!

For a second I felt the sunlight vanish but it was too late, I was already up. I might be an extremely sleepy person but once I'm up completely from my deep slumber, there's not much chance of going back, you know?

I very slowly open my eyes and let them adjust to the sunlight and yawn like it was the last time, that's when I feel something around my waist.

Oh hell no! 

I look down praying and hoping to God that it was a dream, but nope God happens hate me as well.

I look down and sure enough there is a pair to muscular arms wrapped around my waist holding me securely.

"Morning" I heard Arjun's husky and heavy voice.

Great so he's awake as well.

Lord help me.

I, at the speed of snail look up to meet Arjun's eyes, my cheeks are already pink... or red.

This guy really needs to learn to sleep on his side rather than mine.

"You really don't know how to sleep in your side, do you?" I sighed and now I'm pretty sure my cheeks are a good red color now. My heart has already increased its pace.

Perfect, just perfect.

Arjun raised his brows at me with an amused expression he spoke "Says the one sleeping on top of me." he finished by adding his infamous, stupid, sexy smirk.

Where the heck does this guy have the energy to smirk in the morn-

Hold up! 

ME? Sleeping on top of HIM?
That's impossible!... Right?

What the actual heck??? How the hell did we end up like this??

There's only one way out of this.

"Its your fault!" I said hastily.
What? I couldn't think of anything else! Don't blame me, blame him!! Its his fault.

Its always his fault isn't it?


"Of course its my fault." he replied his tone laced with a heavy load of sarcasm. I just rolled my eyes at him.

Ok, so plan A was a fail, blaming him was....not a rational option- 

You think?

Like I was saying, now plan B getting out this.....situation, which requires me getting the hell out of here. Although I don't want to since its extremely comfy and cozy and warm but I need to save the last microscopic pieces of dignity left in me and get the heck out of here.

I tried getting up but he pulled me back and I collided with his chest, my hair falling on my face forming a curtain and slightly tickling my ears.

"Now where do you think your going sunshine?" his voice pulled me out of my thoughts, my lips automatically tugged to form a microscopic smile when he called me sunshine.

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