CHAPTER 21- He's Furious. Period.

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"It's always better when we're together." —Jack Johnson


We boarded my jet, I look to my side where Ninu was standing with a smile, her eyes wandering around taking in every detail. 

I had a small smile on my face looking at her. I asked her to sit in one of the seats but I don't think she heard me.

Not wanting to disturb her, I left her admiring the interior and went to talk to the staff about the departure and then spoke to Claire, she's the pilot.

After giving them a few instructions, I went back out and saw Ninu seated comfortably.

I went and sat next to her and frowned on looking at her bag on her lap.

"Did they not take your bag?" I looked at her then the bag

"They asked but I said no, I need something on my lap, its fine leave it" she smiled shyly. Annie is like that too.

I nodded then took out my phone to inform mom.

She'll murder me if I don't and I don't want to die yet.

"What do you keep typing on your phone?" Ninu's voice broke my thoughts.

Her eyes went wide on realizing she said that out loud. 

I chuckled "I was texting mom about our departure, earlier I was replying to mails since I won't be working for two weeks and..." I kept my phone down and turned to look at her, her cheeks have gone completely red making her look even more cute, if that is even possible "I won't be texting anymore now. I'm all yours, happy?" I continued.

She turned the other way to hide her blush and it just made me happy knowing I have an effect on her like she does on me.

I leaned forward and whispered "You don't have to get embarrassed in front of me princess."

Now her whole face resembles a cherry, an extremely adorable cherry.

"Shut up" she muttered and looked out of the window.

"Welcome aboard, this is your pilot Claire speaking, we'll be taking off in a few minutes please fasten your seatbelts and make sure your seat is upright. Thank you" we heard Claire after sometime.

We soon did as she told and waited.

My hone pinged on seeing a message, it was from dad.

I opened it and my lips twitched upwards looking at the photo. It was the one dad took at home of Ninu and Kajol.

It came out perfect. My two new favorite and important women.

I replied a thanks to dad, changed my home screen wallpaper to the photo. It was the perfect wallpaper just like the one I have of mom and Annie, my other two favorite and important women in my life.

"Look" I handed my phone to Ninu so she could see the pic too.

Her face immediately lit up upon looking at it and smiled widely. 

Once she forwarded it to herself she closed the tab and was about to hand it back to me when she noticed the wallpaper.

She turned to me amazed when I explained it her and showed her mom and Annie's photo to which she grinned and said "its beautiful"

She handed the phone back and soon we heard Claire again through the intercom "We will be taking off now, please fasten your seatbelts and make sure to keep your phone on airplane mode, thank you"

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