CHAPTER 58- My sister or brother!

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 "If I know what love is, it is because of you." – Hermann Hesse


"Here you go," I hand Arjun his passport as he comes down with Nayank clinging on him.

"Thanks," he smiled taking it.

"Alright buddy, now be a good kid and don't trouble your mama, ya?" he raises his eyebrow waiting for Nayank to answer.

"Yes dada," he replied holding his pinky out. "Pinky promise." he said as Arjun locked his large pinky with Nayank's tiny one.

Arjun was going on a business trip to UK for a week and a half. And honestly this is the longest we've been apart. Before him if anyone told me that these would be their most dreaded weeks apart I would probably laugh and call you cringy but now I may understand what they mean. I'll definitely miss him.

He ruffled Nayank's hair before standing to his full height and saying bye to Nanna who took Nayank to his room leaving us alone.

"I'll see you soon," he smiled coming closer and embracing me in his warm hug.

"You definitely will, you're sort of stuck with me remember." I smile holding him close trying to make the moment last longer.

"I guess being stuck with you isn't as bad," he shrugged pulling away slightly, I chuckled.

We just gazed into each other's eyes with a soft smile when I finally broke the silence, "You're gonna miss your flight you know." 

He sighed, then dipped his head and placed his lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss, it was soft and slow as if neither of us wanted to let go. We finally pulled back after a while, his forehead rested against mine.

"I should get going," I nodded, eyes still closed and hand refusing to let go.

Finally peeling myself away from him, I say "Text me once you reach the airport and land."

"Will do," he caressed my cheek gently before bending to grab his luggage.

"Be careful, take care of yourself. Eat and sleep properly and for the love of God don't overwork." I say walking him till the door.

He chuckled making me scowl at him, "I mean it."

"Alright alright, I know you do. You too take care of yourself and our son." he smiled stepping out.

"Always do," I grinned.

"Okay I'll see soon," he gently touched my cheek. 

"I love you," he smiled squeezing my hand.

"I love you," I reply smiling wider.

I held his hand, "Have a safe flight and don't forget to text me," I say one last time.

He finally left and I went back in, and made my way to Nayank's room who was busy playing with Nanna. Nanna had managed to charm Nayank making him trust her just as much as he trusts us. Nanna and him spend the day playing, telling each other stories and napping when Arjun and me are at work. He would be joining school in a couple of months, since its the mid year we didn't want to pressure him into putting him in school mid semester so we decided to wait till next semester.

"Mama!" he shouted excitedly on seeing me.

"Hey buddy," I go in still in awe of the fact that he calls me mama and Arjun dada.

To say the two of us were shocked when he called us that would be understatement. Its definitely a core memory for us.

Arjun and me were getting ready for bed once we had tucked Nayank in his when our room's door opened after a soft knock.

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